
friday night escape

we headed on over to steelwood on friday night, and bennett had a BLAST playing with la, pop, and on the fire truck and playground.  remember this??

lounging (and i mean LOUNGING) on the swing with la
bennett wore himself out on the slide.  or should i say la and i wore ourselves out on the slide.  over and over and over again.  i will be a happy and better rested mama when this boy knows how to take himself up a ladder and down a slide.  it was such a joy to watch
contrary to what this serious-its-too-sunny-out-here-i-need-sunglasses look may suggest, bennett was in H*E*A*V*E*N
bennett in action
 i didnt get any good pictures of this,  but the boy loves dirt.  and sand.  and getting dirty.  sand found its way all the way up around under and over into his diaper - which blows my mind since he was wearing a onesie under a pair of pants...defies all logic, but then again he IS a boy, and this IS sand we are talking about.  sand is a tricky little varmit...

we now consistently have the boy down to one nap a day now, and i have to say i love it.  it wasnt that hard - but he does get really sleepy right before lunchtime.  {but of course eating is definitely something worth staying awake for}.  so after lunch he hits the hay and has been taking 3 hour naps.  its amazing.  and i can get so much more done in the mornings - we can actually go places and get things done in ONE outing (instead of a quick a.m. outing then a quick p.m. one)

i am loving this warmer weather!  

spring fever has officially hit...


  1. i was going to say the same thing - LOVE that belly!!

    and yes...isn't one nap just glorious??

  2. What a fun day! AND evening! :-) Love ya'll,La

  3. He's crazy big and SO handsome. I know I've said it before, but I LOVE his cheeks-they make me so happy!!

  4. Yup, once you get there, one nap is great! I love his belly... of course, i'm partial to Buddha bellies, like Liza's :)


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