
new developments

  1. my lens is in (and MY is it HEAVY - i got the upgraded version of my old one - the vibration reduction model - we will see if it lives up to its weight)
  2. bennett eats with a fork! after trying repeatedly to get him to use it, and after giving it to him with each meal while he just chews on the handle and continues to eat with his hands, he picked up his fork and ate like a man yesterday.  and today.  and he is SOOOO proud of himself.  beaming and laughing and throwing hands up for a victorious "so big."
  3. "uh-oh" is a common phrase these days, and i absolutely love it.  i think its the "oh" sound that gets me.  im used to all the dadamamababa noises, so an "oh" is a welcomed change.  a couple weeks ago stephens mom told me after keeping bennett that she was surprised he wasnt saying it yet.  so i went home and realized that he wasnt saying it bc i never really said it.  if he dropped something (or, technically, threw something) i would usually say "no no bennett dont throw" and give it back to him.  so, that day i just started saying "uh oh" after he dropped threw something, and by the end of the day he was grunting it.  like "ugh ugh" in a much too manly sound for a one year old to be making.  the grunts have now turned into clear words, and they are his new favorite (and ours).  he is also expanding his vocabulary daily by repeating more and more (not just with "da" - which is his go-to when he doesnt know how to pronounce what we are saying).  
  4. we have a climber on our hands now.  he climbs up and down everything.  i walked into his playroom yesterday and he was sitting up in the recliner that it is there, rocking it back and forth (its really not a rocker per sea, just a forward position and then a reclined position old chair - so he was loving the sudden jerkiness of it).  smiling with another "look what i just did!!!" grin.  i love seeing him so proud of himself.  the joy he feels about learning something new is palpable.  we are still working on turning around to climb down stairs, but he pretty much has it.
  5. well, this is my favorite age.  there i said it.  i am one of those who say it every month.  it just keeps getting better and better - so much that i just dont know how to even explain it.  yes, i am at a loss for words.  mark it down bc i dont know when it will happen again...

note:  i just love all the belly comments on the last post!! :)  cause he sure does have one and it was large and IN CHARGE on the playground that day.  one more lovable huggable squeezable things that i just cant get enough of on this boy.


  1. great post! I anxiously, not necessarily patiently, await more pictures:)

  2. it is amazing how fast they change...just last friday you said he wasn't much of a climber and now he is doing it! isn't that crazy?? always amazes me! i love "uh-oh" too! wonder if B would like to remind Jack how to use a fork, he has decided he doesn't like them any more.

  3. Hooray for "fork usage!" Eating peas may suddenly become a LONGGGGG process as he may feel the need to stab each one! Love the pics! I am also impatient about waiting for new ones! :-) Looks like the new lens is a go! Love ya'll, La

  4. he is sooo cute!! I love the pictures where he is eating with his fork!

  5. Such a big boy eating with a fork! He is adorable and I agree with you...each new stage is the "best" yet. Tell me about your camera & lens...we are thinking about getting one & I would love to hear your opinion. Thanks!

  6. Look at B using a fork!! He looks like such a big boy with that skill :) Can't wait to squeeze him soon.

  7. Thats so funny about the peas. I was just thinking about him picking up every single one :) Love him!

  8. Cute post! I always enjoy seeing pics of Bennett. He is such a little chunk, which I LOVE! This is a really random question, but I figured you wouldn't be able to respond on my blog b/c of you lent promise. I posted a blog about couponing today. I was wondering if you knew any good sites for baby coupons, diapers, food, etc? Thanks!


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