
catching up

sorry ive been a bit MIA the past couple weeks - you know, blogging ebbs and flows. and since i work on the computer and pay bills on the computer and email on the computer and research for work on the computer and read so many dang wonderfully inspiring blogs on the computer, sometimes me and the computer just need a break :)

hopefully soon ill get back to some more regular posting, but for now, here are some pictures of our going ons the past couple weeks:

throwing beads off the balcony with jack and his momma and daddy during mardi gras.
throwing beads off the balcony to the waiting pavement below.
no people.
the few people that passed by thought the boys dropped the beads and tried throwing them back, just to receive rainshowers of beads in multiplied numbers once again.
while there werent any people to really throw the beads to, the boys still had a blast "throwing" {i.e. dropping} the beads and watched in wonder as a barrage of motorcycle policeman and tow trucks towed several cars parked in expired meters below {thankfully not ours!}.
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eating cupcakes at our playgroup baby shower {or "happy days" as bennett calls them - "happy day" means both birthday and birthday cake.}
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trying on mommas shoes.
and melancholy faces.
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playing on turtles at the local kangarooz
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making baby gifts for a dear friend {and using sewing machine for the first time in AGES. it, too, and i go through frequent ebbs and flows}
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loving our good sport of a puppy {God bless labs} and taking seriously over-exposed pictures
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thanks for sticking by during my blogging hiatuses :)



  1. Love the bibs and burp clothes! The eyes are adorable! Of course Bennett is too!

  2. I really wish I could sew. I've thought about taking lessons over the summer, but then I think it's just another thing to consume my time.

  3. So glad you are back! Love those pics of our boy! And love ya'll, La :-)

  4. Wondered where you were!!!! Love all the pics!! Don't be a "stranger"!!

  5. great pics of Mr. B! your sewing abilities are impressive; can't believe (yes, i can;) you take on such projects, but what beautiful results from your creative ideas. xoxoxo

  6. I love all the pictures. I love the owl baby gifts. I love owls. Adeline has an owl painting in her room....Owl was my first word, random, long story, so I have a heart for owls. so cute!

    p.s. if you could blog about your crafty failures that would make me feel better....ha ha

  7. what i love most about this post is that we were present for all but 2 of the pictures : )


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© by Natalie at create.live.design, 2007-2012