
gettin jiggy with it

last night stephen traded bennetts nighttime book for a few minutes of american idol. during "brickhouse" bennett started "dancing": bobbing his head, bouncing his feet to the beat.

we died.

during the commercial bennett called for "more singing! more singing!" while i ran to get the video camera in hopes he would do it again.
he did not disappoint:



  1. Bennett must be missing Ms Paula Abdul with that over-the-head clapping he just did. HAHAHAHA such a silly little boy. He's going to have some sweet dance moves when he's older, winning over all the little girls.
    Stephen--take note!

  2. This is so funny - I was watching this while at my office and everyone thought it was hilarious - Thanks Bennett for the good laugh :)

  3. so cute! jack loves idol too. he watched this with me and said "yay bennett, you are being a monkey with your arms!" and now we are off to watch it again.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Please let him watch every week and post the videos!

  6. I KNEW he had rhythm! So funny! Love it! And love ya'll, La

  7. Hi Benny Woe's mommy! Just a little note to say I'm digging the new blog title. Glad to see you took the leap to combine all your passions in one place.

    Working with someone on a new header/background for my blog - thought it was time to spice it up. So check in next week :)

    P.S. Totally agree with your advice to KBB. Sometimes just getting away for a bit makes you forget why you needed a little "break" in the first place (and probably makes our kids miss "boring old mom" too)

  8. oh my that is HILARIOUS!!!! you MUST let him watch idol every week :)

  9. HIlarious! He and Liv should really get together for a dance party, they could teach each other some sweet moves =) Oh and about your question about the potty training, I truly cannot take credit, she just liked the potty and LOVED how much we freaked out every time she used it....the cookies and "big girl panties" didn't hurt either. Have you tried just spending a few days at home and switching over to underwear? It seems like it would be more complicated with boys (I've heard that anyway.) Good luck and keep the dance videos coming!

  10. I'm thinking Bennett might be ready for Dancing with the Stars! ;) He's got some great moves. Even if that's a little premature, he might enjoy the show when it comes on again!!

  11. I mean... truly priceless. love it. how great are kids?!

  12. Hilarious, and I love that his sweet dance moves are totally whacking daddy in the face!

  13. That was AWESOME!!! I laughed out loud. You know, I think Bennett is really smart and talented on several levels. Seriously. And he needs to make a trip to Bham to teach Carter some dance moves. :)

    And just how did I miss so many posts from last month? WHERE was I????


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