Then, when he woke up a 8 (!!) and, instead of a bottle then breakfast later, he had a sippy cup of milk with his breakfast. He also had a scrambled egg! And he loved it.
I vowed to spend all day playing with my One year old, so we spent the good part of the morning in Bennett's new playroom (part of his bday present). He LOVES all his new toys {so do I!! :)}.
Then, sadly, mama had to work for a little while. Bennett tagged along as usual and flirted with all the ladies at Cotton Capers while mama finished her work. We went home and Bennett started what would become a three or so day nap strike (he would try to jump over my shoulder, literally, when I tried to put him in his crib. He would dodge his "bunny" blankets which was VERY out of character. And he would stand and scream for however long I left him in there. He ended up taking about a total of one hour nap a day. Thank goodness this is over!!!).
The rest of the day was quiet, as Bennett finally had a little less than an hour nap around 5!! We fed him dinner, gave him a fun bath, and put him to bed at his normal bedtime.
It was a great day!
Happy Birthday Bennett Michael!
Wow, he has changed so much since I have last checked the blog! He looks so much bigger, and his face has changed. Adorable! Happy Bday Bennett!