I should also say that this was his mama and daddy's first birthday party too. To host. For a baby.
There really wasn't a theme, except for maybe everything was generally silver and blue. I undecorated our Christmas tree and put up silver and blue ball ornaments, wrapped some iridescent blue fabric around the base, and stamped it the Bennett Tree. I figured it would be one way to extend the life of our Christmas tree every year, and a fun decoration for our holiday-born baby!
The cake was a last minute buy: I realized in calling all the pastry shoppes the week before Christmas that they need much longer than a week's notice this time of year. Especially since everyone was going to close on Christmas Eve and not reopen until the NEXT Monday (as in day after Bennett's party). I finally found a local (and desperate I guess) business who was willing to make a cake and have it ready in one day. They got a little carried away with the ONE, and, after I drew what I wanted on a paper plate, they did a decent job carrying it out. You live, and you learn.
However, they forgot the two cupcakes that were also ordered with the big cake (one was for Bennett's party, one was for his actual birthday). So they gave me a dozen rolls and some petit fores. Not the same. Not a big deal really in the whole scheme of things. But still, Not the same.
I found these silver circle coasters on clearance at Michael's, bought three packs of four, and put a picture of Bennett from each month in them. I also stole this idea from a baby shower decoration and put some of Bennett's outfits on a clothesline at the fireplace. It almost evoked tears as I hung the outfit he wore home from the hospital, but there was no time for tears as I had much bday planning to do (hmmm...sounds like I needed some "stop and smell the roses" time this month...we will get to that in my New Years' Resolutions post....coming soon)
Add some silver and blue balloons, some snacks, seven or eight laughing/screaming/crying/squealing kids, and a silver wreath on the door and voila! You have Bennett's First Birthday Party! :)
Our neighbors were the first to arrive, and Bennett wasted no time in trying to steal a kiss from Miss CamilleShe was none too happy with the attack but Bennett acted as nothing out of the ordinary took place
The group o babies Playing with Will Seifert, who was born on Bennett's original due date
Picture with Will several months back (I realized I never posted it after our little baby playgroup!)
***OK I WILL post this picture - all of a sudden Blogger froze and wont let me upload pics***
Bennett getting overwhelmedTrying to calm my child - bribing him with FORMULA out of a BOTTLE (two things we were on the road to getting away from)
Yep! you got it. He was happiest when he was EATING HIS CAKE. Or inhaling it. Who needs a bib? :)
Family photo in front of the Bennett Tree. And Stephen was fighting to keep his eyes open

After Bennett went to sleep, we opened the rest of his presents (since he had no desire to do so himself). He got a TON of toys and books, and as a friend coined it - it looks like Toys R Us threw up in our house. He also got two big boy striped polo shirts - dont know if some friends are hinting at me to start dressing Bennett like a big boy!!!
Dont know if I am there yet, but it might be fun to throw him in those polo's every now and again...I know his daddy, uncles, and granddads would appreciate it!! :)
My baby is growing up! One year at a time! I have a ONE YEAR OLD.
{Thanks Erin for being our Photographer for the day!!}
i was wondering about that humungo 1 on the cake :) it was intense. but very delicious.
ReplyDeleteThe party was so much fun! All of the babies were to cute together. The best part was seeing B shovel that cake in his mouth. I thik he set a record for how fast he made his piece disappear! I thought it was soooo yummy too :)
ReplyDeletewow! what a great party! i love the cake pics!
ReplyDeleteHappy 1st Birthday Bennett! The party looked like a fun time! I love the idea of transforming the Christmas tree into a Bennett tree each year. What a fun new tradition. Isn't it crazy how fast a year went by? Simms will be 14 months tomorrow! Oh so fast!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Bennett! Looks like y'all won't be lacking in the toy department for some time. However if he's like Sipsey, he'd rather play with an empty plastic jar than any of those toys. Oh and Sipsey is stuck to me like white on rice too. It's unbelievable sometimes how clingy she is. I want to pull out the baby sling and just stick her in it if I didn't think my back would break!
ReplyDeleteWow you did have quite the spread. I'm impressed....is it all stressful that you will be planning his birthday parites directly after Christmas every year for a long time? Kinda stresses me out to think about, we would be in no state to host a party that soon after Christmas. Happy Birthday B.