
Mystery Diagnosis

I don't think I have had a fever since my tenth birthday (I think it was that bday - everyone had to go home from my slumber party bc I got sick - NOT fun). Well, yesterday afternoon I started feeling really puny and had a slight headache - nothing serious. By the time Stephen and I got home from running errands, I was having chills. It felt like what a fever would feel like, but the thermometer said I was fine. I eventually took some Motrin and felt better about an hour later. As we were going to bed last night, around 8:15 (yes thats way earlier than usual, but we had been up at 4:30am to take Stephen to the airport to go to San Francisco for work - then found out the flight was canceled, so we were pooped) I started shivering and having some intense chills. I still wasnt reading a temperature, and I felt fine besides the chills. After I fed Bennett around 8:45, my chills were so bad I was terrified I was going to drop him when I placed him in his crib. I took my temp again and it was 101. It helped to know WHY I was having the chills (the fever) but I really didn't know why I had a fever - no flu symptoms. My fever continued to climb and by 11pm it was up to 104.1...I was lying without the covers in my bed, shivering like crazy but feeling like my blood was boiling, especially in my head. I eventually had to get in a lukewarm bath to bring the fever down, and it only brought it down to 102. I went to sleep, and woke up this morning with a 101 fever. Took some Tylenol, and the fever has been down to about 99 to 100 so far today. I feel so puny and weak, but other than that nothing - so sore throat, stuffy nose, headache, etc. Weird huh????

I have a call in to my doctor to run it by them - besides the fever I have all the other symptoms that may suggest Mastitis...so hopefully they can figure out what it is and I can get on some antibiotics or SOMETHING. This fever thing is no fun (and neither is feeling like I can't pick up Bennett bc I am so weak)


  1. OH no! Hope you feel better!

  2. I know someone who will hold Bennett if you feel like you might be too weak! :-) Hope you are feeling much better! Love ya, La

  3. Feel better & let me know if you need any help!

  4. SO sorry Nat! Keep us posted on what it is! Wish I could help.

  5. Oh no!! Hate to hear that! I hope you are feeling better VERY SOON!! Prayers for a quick recovery!

  6. Natty!! Hope you feel better!!! Call me if you need anything!!


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