
Almost forgot!!

Yesterday, Bennett rolled over THREE TIMES from his tummy to his back. Does this count as rolling over?? He was on his belly, and all three times used his right arm and leg and pushed himself over to his back. ??? He hasn't even officially smiled yet (well, smiled at us in response to us doing something - he smiles all the time). Don't know if its time to put the "rolled from belly to back" sticker in his First Year calendar yet or not....do YOU think this counts??


  1. Wow!!! He's doing soo good!

  2. YES ... especially if he did it three times! It definitely counts!

  3. Oh YES it counts!!!! What a strong baby! It sounds like he is doing it on purpose with the way he is using his arm and leg! What a buff and brainy baby you have!

  4. Yes that definitely has to count! 3 times? I would have loved to see it! Yay Bennett!!!

  5. Yay for Bennett! I am happy we got to see the little man the other night. :) I could hold him all day.


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