
And so it begins...

People have asked me several times over the course of this pregnancy "Has anyone said anything crazy/rude/offensive to you since youve been pregnant?". I happily have always answered "no." Well, now I must recant that answer! I think the baby 'bump' has officially become more like the baby 'basketball' or 'beach ball' - and everyone else is noticing.

Both of the comments occurred yesterday - and it wasn't because of what I was wearing bc I had changed clothes (so I can't use that as an excuse - darn). The first: A friend's mom looked at me and asked "When are you due? Tomorrow???" (and then proceeded to laugh and make her eyes really big and reach a hand out to the belly). Haha - Glorious!

Then, last night at the Preview Party for Christmas Jubilee (the huge holiday market Junior League throws/sponsors every year) I overheard an older man at my parent's church (I think that is who he was?? I just recognized him but couldn't place him) talking with my mom about me. She said we only had a couple months left, and he looked at me and said "O she won't make it that long. There is no way she can make it that long." And then when I walked up to talk to them, he gave himself the opportunity to repeat himself and let me know that I will "not make it to January and should really be expecting this baby any day now." Because he knows. NIIIIIICE. Oh and he also said - "yes you are carrying it just like a boy - big and up high." That was the first time I have heard that one!!

Honestly, these comments just provided some humor and I didn't get upset or seriously offended by them. It just made me think that maybe I do really look like a cow and my vision of my belly is not shared by all. I am now anticipating the "are you having twins" comment any day now. So it begins!!! :) (See pic of the baby Beach Ball below)


  1. I love this entry! You know people really love seeing your big belly...it is absolutely adorable. I think I know who said the first comment :) HaHa! Love ya.

  2. You absolutely do NOT look like a cow! You and Bennett are precious and just the right size! Love ya, La

  3. Anyone who is saying ANYTHING about you being big hasn't been around many pregnant people! You look WONDERFUL!

  4. so cute!!! you are tiny...those fools! :) cant wait to see you and bennett in 4 days

  5. Yea, those people werent around me when I was 30 weeks pregnant!!! :) Let me assure you, YOU look AMAZING, Natalie!!

  6. hahaha! thank you for all the kind words! i just thought those things were funny - i really dont take it all seriously. i know people just feel like they have to say SOMETHING when they are talking to a pregnant person, and half of them dont realize what they are saying anyway! im sure this is just the beginning, but i will be sure to keep you all updated! :)


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