
my second child

hello again!

i promise this isnt going to be a post about how busy i am and blah blah blah...i have made a few life changes, rearranged my priorities, and i think im a couple steps away from entering back into the land of the life-well-lived.
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so instead of diving into all of that, lets just say i plan on sitting on the floor and doing puzzles with bennett, holding emory, getting both of my children out of the house and into our beautiful spring weather, reading them books, going to the grocery store, cooking dinner, working out again, praying, singing {to myself of course}, smiling, and loving a whole lot better.
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since the blog has evolved a bit since bennett was this age, and miss em is missing out on her monthly posts, i thought id do a quick summary of our precious littlest.
name: emory
nicknames: em bop, em, littlest, girly whirly, bitty bop, bitty baby, emmie, emo-ree-ba-deebie
age: 6 months 1.5 weeks
teeth: TWO.  yes.  i am shocked.  bennett didnt get his until 8 months or so, and it was one at a time.  we noticed scratch marks on her paci and i immediately thought: oh shes just chewing on them.  until it hit me that she is a BABY and doesnt have teeth.  but then a quick rub of the gums and the teethies were discovered {by me...she knew they were there}.  shes been a little grumpy the past couple days, but overall it hasnt been terrible.  i just am not ready to picture her gummy smile with TEETH!!!
weight: go to the doctor for her 6 month checkup on the 11th, but after a quick on-and-off the scale, im guessing she is 14.5 pounds.  itty bitty.  {bennett was 17lbs at this age}
eating: NOTHING.  just bottle {6-8oz 4xday}.  will NOT eat anything.  carrots, squash, applesauce, banana, avocado, rice cereal, multigrain cereal, prunes, NOTHING.  she did suck some baby food prunes off my finger the other day, but that is as far as we have made it.  im not really worried about it, but it would be nice if she started trying things.  she is and always has just done things her own way, so go on wich yo bad self missy.  {feminist fist pump}
sleeping: 12 solid hours at night, three naps - two being around 1.5 hours, the late afternoon nap being 1 hour.  before teething, those two morning naps were around 2 hours or more.
activities: sitting! all by herself.  i love how cute newly sitting babies look with their circled legs and their chunky support arms.
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ugha.  eat. her.

very vocal as always.  rolling everywhere.
likes: her swing and the activity table thing that keeps her from flipping out of it, being outside {LOVE}, her brother {oh em gee she could just stare at him forever}, her baby doll and the baby dolls face {closest thing to food for her},
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playing peek a boo, baths, being in her car seat just like her brother did {whew!!!}, the paci and her blankies at bedtime, being held - could do this all. the. time.  shes my snuggler. {except for at bedtime!!}.  the animal cups we use to pour water over her head at bath time.  baths.
dislikes: monotony - cant sit in one spot for very long.  has to be chauffeured from one activity to the next.  food.  when she sees me walk away from where she is.  going to the bathroom.  sorry, but true. being held when she wants to go to sleep.  she prefers to fall asleep in her crib and gets fidgety {for me} if im holding her and she is really sleepy.  me singing to her.  well, i mean i dont know if she really dislikes {cause seriously how COULD you??} it but it definitely doesnt serve the same "lull to sleep" purpose it did with bennett.  if i sing, her eyes are OPEN and she is trying to carry on her portion of the conversation. ;)
special emory-isms: if she really likes you, or thinks you look like her mommy, daddy or aunts, she will grab your face and squeeze your hair or cheeks and pull your face to her mouth.  then she will pause with her open mouth on whatever part of your face is closest, sit for just enough time for you to really feel that she loves you, and then pull away.  its fabulous and slobbery. chunks of my hair are extracted from my head but my heart is refilled.  its so emory.
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and now, it true form, it has taken me four days to complete this post and emory ate pears yesterday. 
she is getting baptized on sunday and instead of the after-church party we threw for bennett, i am opting for a family brunch.  i have purposely left my office empty after getting our floors redone {poor emorys room - filled to the brim with my WORK}, rented a 12 foot table, and plan on going all girly up in there.  china, silver, crystal, flowers, linen, all that jazz. 

she might be my second, but every girl deserves a little first rate ;)


  1. She looks like a porceline doll!!! My 6 month old is a CHUBSTER (18.4 lbs), and its fun to see the difference of an itty bitty cutie! Charlotte is the exact same way when it comes to being held at bedtime. All I want to do is cuddle her to sleep, and all she wants to do is squirm, or look around or fuss til I put her in her crib. This is of course a great thing, since they are self soothers...but bittersweet for the Mamas! Thanks for th post, love it!

  2. What a sweet, sweet post! And funny, too. She is so beautiful, Nat! I hope I get to see her in person soon. xoxo

  3. Aren't they precious? Such cute personalities! That pic of Bennett and Jack is a keeper! I am so glad he plays so well with others! What a blessing sweet friends are! Little bitty Miss E is adorable! She is so involved in it all--and afraid she will miss something! Can't wait for the Sunday brunch! :-) Love ya'll, La

  4. who wouldve thunk it that you would have an itty bitty girl?!
    i adore her. and am so glad you are back to posting some!!!

  5. haha and she looks so concerned in that picture where she is sitting in the grass by herself. probably wondering where her peeps went

  6. awww i love it... those pics of em sitting are just too cute :) glad for the update

  7. Natalie, she is just precious! Both she and Bennett get cuter every day. Love the brunch idea! Great to catch up a bit at Jack's party.

  8. Such a precious little girl...I am really missing seeing her. Love to all of you, Aunt E lizabeth

  9. welcome back! and 'first rate' it was! as bennett said at the table, 'you did a great job, mommy!' can't wait for the baptism post (pictures), emory was/is precious and it was a lovely occasion.
    and these pictures....priceless
    glad you are back :)

  10. such a great post! love that fabric on the chairs! Where is it from?

  11. Even if it took you 4 days, you'll be so happy you captured all these sweet little details of your beautiful baby girl! I love all her nicknames!! We have such a long list for both our children, and they respond to all of them!!



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© by Natalie at create.live.design, 2007-2012