
home sweet home

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from one to the next.

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we are finally back in our own sweet home after a week with my parents.  there is still a slight twinge of poly in the air, but the floors are dry, the doors are open, and the house is a wreck.

we couldnt be happier.

its {almost always} funny how God chooses to work in our lives...little did i know all i needed was a good long week at my parents house to pull me back from the brink of a nervous breakdown.  not to sound over dramatic or anything, but it really was just what the doctor ordered.  one week was all it took to bring me from a crazed-maxed-out-psycho-mom to a less-than-crazed-almost-maxed-out-psycho-mom.  its refreshing ;)
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how was living with my parents again you ask?
well let me tell you - it took a whole lot of adjusting and compromise.
for instance, i had to get used to all my meals being cooked for me again.
including breakfast.
it was tough.
and somehow clean, folded laundry found itself at the base of the stairs when i went up for bed each night.
i didnt do it.
i have no idea how it got there but it did.
and that took some adjusting.
and we had to compromise on whose turn it was to go soothe the fussing baby/three year old.
i stubbornly gave in just a few times and kept my seat warm and red wine handy on the screened porch.
i know.  ROUGH.

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i probably worked a full 40 hours last week and am finally at a point with work that i can breathe and return to some semblance of the mother i want to be.

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heck im sitting here blogging and thats a fresh change from the past month!

so just to recap the past couple weeks, there has been a lot of this


a whole lotta this

details removed to protect the payin' people

some precious moments of this

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a celebration of my birth


a trip here


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some practicing {and nearly mastering!} this

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some practicing and it-better-not-be-anytime-soon-ing this

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a bit of new life peaking through


...all because of this

after first coat of custom mixed dark walnut + ebony stain {who knew our floors had GRAIN to them?}
after tinting the first coat of poly with more ebony bc the floors didnt properly absorb the ebony stain, they are still wet in this pic {finished finished pic to come}

SO worth it

and this time, this time i dont plan on being away for another two weeks after i claim that im "back".  i fear there arent many of you out there reading anymore, as blogs that never have new posts arent that fun to read, but i plan on hopping back on my routine-blogging freight train starting now.

thank you to those of you who still are, and thanks to my parents for a memorable, relaxing, therapeutic week.

and if you have a sec, hop on over to mobile bay magazines website and read my latest contribution, on making your home your own.


  1. Edible baby legs? I think so! Beautiful children? Yep! Quit reading your blog? Never! Glad you're back again!

  2. oh how i love her knees, and eyes, and well everything...
    train convention= bennett heaven & you can see it all over his face.
    LOVED spending so much time with the babies last week... and you of course. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
    oh, and i liked your mobile bay article. very nice!

  3. i knew i was forgetting something... THE FLOORS! looks great- i can't wait to see them in person!

  4. Hehehe...wasn't it fun?! Loved your visit. And your floors are beautiful! Love yall

  5. ahhh the floors are amazing. looks like a new home. i enjoyed all the time spent with yall this past week, wish i couldve been home for more of it.
    your babies are my heart. love them and yall so much

  6. I'm still reading!!! So glad you had a great week and feel fresh again:) What a good feeling! And thanks, too, for the shout out to MB. Your posts are always so wonderful!!! xoxo

  7. OK....I am soooo jealous of Mimi and Doc and Rachel and Erin! However, I know you were all in wonderful hands! Isn't it wonderful how that CLEAN laundry appeared? :-) How nice to "see" you here! Can't wait to see you in person! The floors look great! And I know you are glad to be back home. Love ya'll, La

    PS: WHERE did those legs come from all of a sudden????

  8. love the floors....and LOVE those precious rolls!!!!! I could just eat them up!

  9. Happy happy birthday! Loved the pictures of the sweet babies...the floors turned out great...look forward to seeing them in person soon-hopefully before Miss Em starts to walk. :~)Love Aunt Elizabeth

  10. Yay, you're back. I was starting to worry...

  11. Love everything and I'm still reading too!! Floors look amazing and your family couldn't be any cuter! XOXO

  12. i thought you were going to start blogging again? hellooo..... ? :)

  13. Hi! First visit to your blog, thought I'd say hi! Having fun looking through your old posts! Such a precious little family!!


  14. The floors look AWESOME! Emory is getting so big!


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© by Natalie at create.live.design, 2007-2012