
brush-a brush-a brush-a

i have been hearing lately that bennett should go to the dentist {or should have already gone...woops}.
since we are now completely paci-free {!!!!!} and his teeth have this nice gap at the front {top and bottom do not meet} we figured it was time.

i couldnt have been happier with our experience.  i spent the morning building "the dentist" up to be a fun colorful place where you smile and "say ahhh" for all the wonderful people.  {even though bennett said "no say ahhh momma...no. dont think so"}
bennett already has an affinity for hospitals and is not scared of them in the least {bc he hears about daddy going there all the time and bc he accompanies daddy there occasionaly} so the term "doctor" doesnt frighten him. {good thing since his "doc" is indeed a doc-tor}

he sat on the chair pretty eagerly and the wonderful tech did a great job keeping him calm and letting him get familiar with all the "tools".  bennett got to pick his toothpaste {bubblegum} and toothbrush head {penguin}.  she even let him play with them before she used them.
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{and its amazing to me how much the color of bennett's eyes vary depending on the angle of the camera.  sometimes they are very light grey, other times they are blue green, and other times they are sky blue.  maybe only his mom would find this intellesting...}

he loved seeing "little bennett" in the mirror
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and then using it to check up on the technicians work
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the sucker thing was a big hit {or the "kisser" as it was called}
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as was the water squirter {"water gun mama!!!"} that i did not get a picture of...sadly

the shades lastest all of just-long-enough-for-me-to-take-this-picture
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and this was the best "smile!!" "say cheese!!" i could get out of him when we were done.
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he was ready to GO and i have to say his teeth were so white it made me giddy.  is that normal?  seriously though they look great and this whole dentist thing might not be a big deal at all!

even though it could be a completely different story six months down the road.....
i am WELL aware....

thanks to these pictures i am also well aware now of how badly bennett needs his mullet trimmed....




  1. So CUTE!!! And such a good patient! Glad he had a great time! :-) Love ya'll, La

  2. I love the hair! And YIKES-slap on my wrist Simms hasn't been to the dentist yet! I should check into that! Ah, blogs hold us accountable sometimes. :-)! I always thought 3 years old- who knew!

  3. I'm very jealous... our first dentist experience a couple months ago was a complete waste of time.. MSN was so scared and wouldn't let them brush them... ugh. I wasn't happy. Good for B though!

  4. Yay - glad he had a good experience; he sure looked like he was having fun! I attribute it to yours and Stephen's diligence in using a toothbrush since the first snagglers came in!

  5. that is too precious!! what a big boy! Gosh they grow up fast! Love your pics of NY too! What a great trip!

  6. Precious as usual-got my Benney Woe fix :)

  7. i cant believe how much he loved the dentist... well, i can because he is always such a good boy, but i figured all kids are SO SCARED their first time.... love that little mullet too :)


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© by Natalie at create.live.design, 2007-2012