
seeta pooshwie*

first things first, thanks for the comments dear readers/stalkers/lurkers/family/friends! hmmm maybe i should guilt you into commenting after every post? :)

i kid i kid
but seriously thanks for the sweet words. it definitely wasnt what i was looking for but a nice refreshing surprise nonetheless. just keep up the good commenting work and keep those comments coming on other blogs you read! and i will keep doing the same. DEAL

anyway i thought it was about darn time i introduced you to the newest member of our family:

his name is redfish
as coined by our remarkably witty two year old. or should i say almost-twenty-seven-month-old. {twenty seven is a favorite number of mine.  and it has proved to be a good year for me as well.  in case you were wondering i will be leaving this fanciful age {sarcasm} and entering into an equally tantilizing year of life in just a few days.  ahh the late twenties.  you are ever so thrilling.}
anyway, back to our dear redfish.
we bought redfish on a whim while shopping for dog food at pet smart.
bennett insisted that his fish be red, and chose redfish among all the red fish. {a pretty high honor i say}
he has been a nice addition to the family:
we now have a redhead
hes fiesty like every male beta fish should be
he doesnt eat much and already sleeps through the night
{at least i think he does, he is thankfully one of those low-to-no maintenance types}

i bought him a peace lily to top his bowl, but apparently my judgment of scale was off WAY off that day.
so we have a ginormous peace lily in our dining room.

i like the way you can see the roots.

the "vase"/container was a wedding gift that i actually registered for.
my mother in law once told me every girl needs a good m&m dish.
this is my m&m dish.

back to redfish.
um, well, thats all!
{hes a pretty tiny fish}

the end

*seeta pooshwie = the name of my blue and red beta in college.  my mom gave each of my sisters and i a beta fish for easter one year.  mine traveled back up to auburn with me and lived in the window {on top of the window unit} in my dorm.  i was not a master of fish-naming so i employed my boyfriend of two years to name him.  he said he didnt care.  i said seriously please just name him anything.  he answered with seta pooshwie.
he really did.
and we were happily married three and a half years later.
me and the boyfriend.
not the fish.
seta lived for almost two years and traveled many a place with me.
we had a nice burial-at-sea/toilet and his name lives on in infamy {within my family}.
my next two betas were named something boring like "bob"
i mean how can you ever top seeta pooshwie?
redfish has a tough row to hoe



  1. My friend's little girl Emma's fish died last year when she was 3. They flushed him. She now thinks Heaven is in the toilet :). Let me know how Red Fish does...we've been toying with the idea since we have a Nemo lover on our hands!

  2. The size of the plant is really funny! huge! I really like it in the m & m dish, it looks great.

  3. I think redfish is a GREAT name!! Love. It.

  4. I'm sure that Redfish will bring as much family joy as Seeta Pooshwie did...that fish was welltraveled with all the moving you did in your first couple of years of college. I smile at the memories :)
    The prayer plant can be divided; some in the m and m dish and some in the top of Redfish's home. You may have already done that. XOXOXO

  5. Glad Bennett has a fish...and a pretty one, at that! You needed something else to take care of, didn't you?
    The plant looks great in the M & M dish..really....but, WHERE IN THE WORLD are the M & Ms? :-) Love ya'll, La

  6. Hahahaha La your comment is the BEST.

  7. Well - I am glad that you didnt marry seeta pooshie! HAHA! Love Redfish - we need to meet him SOON! :)

  8. i hope bennett isnt one of those kiddos that wants to love and hug his fishy to death... make sure it stays in that water :)

  9. I had a blue one named Carl. He also made the travel to and from Auburn my whole freshman year. He lived for 2 years. Then I tried to get another one junior year and named him glen..I'm pretty sure he lived only 2 weeks.

  10. Happy Birthday Natalie!!




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