

i am big on it

for instance, i did my first downward dog in six months yesterday {for those who have no idea what that means, YOGA} and then followed it up with a mcnugget meal at mcdonalds.

we had a girls {mom, sisters} night out on saturday: dinner at the charming and delicious noja followed by four tickets to the "french connection" event by the mobile symphony. culture out the wazoo.  followed by ruby tuesdays lunch and a "keeping up with the kardashians" marathon on sunday.  can we say Kulture?

i am queen of coupon clipping.  my mood can be determined by how many coupons i use in one outing. 
{i am NOTHING like this lady though - i tried it her way and it just stressed me out!!! kudos to her}.  i refuse to buy diapers {even if we have been wearing a two-sizes-too-small overnight diaper during the day for the past three days} if for some reason i dont have a diaper coupon with me.  we havent done a THING to our house {decor wise} since we moved in {except my office and bennetts room} bc we seem to rather save the money or spend it on something else {like MDO or good food or occasional travel}. 
that being said, we shelled out {in my opinion} a small fortune for these fine ladies to clean the house this morning. 
and without hesitation if asked i would have paid $500 for it. 
i am this close to licking the floors. 
i double dare you to find even a speck of dust in my house {today - tomorrow will be another story...old house for ya}. 
shutters? check.
baseboards? check.
bookshelves? check
tops of wall art? check
tops of DOOR TRIM? check.
i have chills.  every stay-at-home mom should feel this way at some point in their lives.

bennett is very well mannered.  he says yes mam and no mam and please and thank you and youre welcome.  he gives kisses and hugs and asks for permission.  he is good at sharing {for now}.
and then yesterday he told me he couldnt sit in his carseat {with stiff straight legs, bloodcurdling scream and instant crocodile tears} because his "wiener ouch" and when i asked him why his "wiener ouch" he said it was because he wanted to "play outside.  play backyard.  no mommy drive.  no mommy car."
and when you gasp your disapproving gasps let me tell you these things:
1.  i did NOT teach him to call it that.
2.  it was a MALE in my family who taught him to call it that
3.  it was his DADDY who encouraged the continued saying of the name
4.  he is a boy
5.  i am outnumbered

i pray you all strive to reach some sort of balance in your lives today.

HA!!!! :)

{i will take pictures soon.  i will take pictures soon.  i will take pictures soon.}



  1. I am NOW in total balance, for this post and the Bennett moment totally balances the melancholy day that is outside. AHHHH, now I feel back on even kiel :)
    I've got a feeling I'm gonna be learning alot more about what comes out of the mouth of little boys! XOXOXO

  2. Wasn't it Hollis who decided on that word over all the other more baby sounding examples? Hahaha good times. Silly little Bennett.

  3. I once zipped Moseley's personals up in his PJs (long story to why he goes commando sometimes) and he told everyone who would listen. "My momma broke my wee-wee. It hurts" Embarrassing.

  4. HAHAHAHAHA The post, and now these comments, have made my night. Thank you, Nat!!!

  5. That is hilarious! The Maids clean our house too. They make my life so much better.

  6. I love coupon clipping, well mostly just saving money, not really the cutting part...it tires my hand. Try, www.saveathomemommy.com. Kerri is a friend of mine from church and she makes the process super easy. I saved $25 worth of coupons at Target today and left one happy lady.

  7. Hahahaha! Love this post! Welcome to the world of the outnumbered as I have known it for YEARS!!!! There is an altogether different mindset in the homes of those who raise boys! Mostly, it consists of just trying to get or keep that balance (for one small second!) Still, it's an ok thing, isn't it? Love ya'll, La :-)

  8. haha ill have to share that bennett story w ben. he is quite the gentleman, so it makes up for it!

    and arent the maids awesome!?

  9. ohhhh my goodness that last little bit of info from Bennett gave me the giggles!!! tooooo funny. I have a gut feeling I might always be out numbered...even our animals are "male"...B is too cute! :)

  10. natalie... just catching up one your posts! i agree, i tried bargain buggy and eastern shore mom's techniques and they were way too hard core for me. i gave up after 1 week, maybe 2. what is your strategy? for diapers i only buy at sam's... they don't take coupons so i don't feel like i'm missing anything.
    so, which maid service do you use? logan is crawling all over our hardwoods and i have to change his clothes everytime he gets off a blanket/mat because his outfit is filthy... and i swear i just swept the floors... i really don't mop all that often though - that's probably why! ha!


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