
easy chicken, potato, and green bean casserole

so you need a quick and easy and healthy meal.
and you want it to be QUICK {prep}
and EASY
and ... HEALTHY.
OK here ya go
you will need:

wash, drain, and snap ends of 3/4lb of fresh green beans, then snap in half
place on bottom of lightly greased casserole dish
place six or so trimmed chicken tenders on top of green beans
drizzle with olive oil
squeeze juice of one lemon over green beans and chicken
sprinke with salt, pepper, garlic powder, cayenne pepper, parsley, basil and oregano {generous with all! but only moderately generous with the cayenne.  that is unless you want easy chicken, potato, green bean and FIRE casserole}
wash and slice 6-8 red potatoes
place potatoes on top of chicken and green beans
drizzle with olive oil
sprinkle with s&p and parsley
bake at 450 for 40 minutes
stir around potatoes
broil until potatoes are browned


{i dont have any pictures because, well, we ate all the evidence...}
{recipe found and adapted from HERE, which was originally found and adapted from HERE}
{post on our weekend to come...}
{WITH pictures}


1 comment:

  1. isn't this dish yummy?! and you made it the right way, with fresh ingredients!


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