
the world according to b

edited continuously bc, well, its hard to remember all these things in one sitting...


swimming with jack schwant earlier this month

bennett's vocab is growing exponentially every day, and i wanted to record some of his things that he either says or does now...this is SUCH a fun age

"meem up meem up!!" said with gusto as we clean up. he will also dump everything out of a box, bag, etc and enthusiastically recite this as he puts one or two things back in the box, bag, etc. then he will dump it out again. he ALSO says this after grabbing a "boom" from behind the door in the laundry room and "sweeping" wherever he feels the dirt is calling {including carpet, sofa, mama, and the bathtub}

"oh meah" oatmeal - the breakfast of champions

"mel mo!!! mel mo!!!" elmo. just started saying it one day. probably seen sesame street a total of six times prior to this new word. he has these four tiny christmas books from aunt erin that have elmo on the cover of them. he will point to elmo and say his name over and over until someone says "thats right bennett - thats elmo"

he bounces on E V E R Y T H I N G.

"mimi! daaaaaaaaaah!" or "ya!!! paaaah!!! calls his mimi and doc, or la and pop regularly now. knows who goes with who, too {never says mimi! paaah! always has the matches down}

uses deductive reasoning. four pictures: a dog, a bird, a snake, and a rhino. i ask him where the rhino is and, after thinking for a few seconds, points to the rhino. he doesnt know what a rhino is but he knows what a rhino is NOT {dog, bird, or snake}

points to his {/my/stephens/your} belly button and laughs with a "whoooooo whooooo" sound when he first found our belly buttons we would laugh like this, just to mess with him. so he picked it up and now thinks thats the sound a belly button makes

"ba-pee" paci. he is actually becoming MORE attached and im getting scared. still only used during naps and bedtime, but i might be addressing this soon.

"eh-lows" legos. we finally pulled out the duplo legos bennett got for his bday {or was it Christmas?}. we went so long with it unopened that i was considering re-gifting it to him. he wouldnt know the difference, right??? too late though. he loves them.
as does my nearly 30 year old husband. this was made
and placed here
so bennett wouldnt mess it up the next day.
i let bennett mess it up the next day...

places the rings on his colored ring tower toy

can climb up on the lawnmower all by himself yes this is very scary. eyes on him at all times no matter where we are.

plays with his remote control car and can turn it {and all his other toys} "off" if i ask him to. pushing that tiny "on/off" switch you see on so many things

"NUH!" yep. still all about the NUH, but now the head shake is involved.

throwing everything

"tuh tle" turtle. my parents have droves of them in their backyard {we loved saving them off the roads when we were little, and over the past 15 years or so there are about 7 generations back there. used to be numbered, but too many now to keep up with. bennett LOVES them}

makes a little bubble noise with his mouth when you ask him what the fish says

"beep beep beep beep" when he is backing up on his firetruck/bee/etc

"byebye ____" or "hi ____" putting his first "sentences" together. he has caught on to these two and says them ALL THE TIME now. its like he is practicing saying several sounds together and remembering which name he wants to say at the end. right now its mainly "byebye ya", "byebye/hi mama" and "byebye baybees" {which he said unprovoked as we pulled out of the parking lot of mothers day out this afternoon}. it is so fun seeing him be so proud of himself.

sits on the floor/in a chair and points to the space next to him insists that you, too, sit where he is and play

going outside without him is out of the question tantrum ensues

asks for which food he wants which is usually "dede", "oh meah", "dheeez", or "nana", and "juuu" or "wawa". {cookie, oatmeal, cheese, or banana, and juice, water} he drinks milk, but prefers water.

kisses bo bo's you wont tell him what is a bobo. he just finds a freckle or spot or yes a bobo and points to it, says bobo, then kisses it.

kisses our belly buttons again, never taught to do this but many times after pointing and laughing at the belly button, he will lean over and give it a kiss. then look at us and smile really big :)

rides his firetruck and/or bee forward, backward, sideways, seat up, seat down, etc

screams "bay beeees!!!!" when we drive past/to his mothers day out, the church, or spring hill hospital {which houses my gym for the summer}

points to objects and {in his own language} counts them if there are multiple somethings in a book {like several dogs, or pumpkins, or monkeys, etc}, he points to the different objects and counts. except his counting sounds more like "eh da da ya mi" or similar

can tell the difference between his blue blocks and orange blocks at mimi's house, according to mimi

can identify and call out "minnie" mouse not mickey. a result of the fact that my mom has droves of girl-related toys and, well, we girls played with minnie when we were little, therefore my son might will too

puts on lotion places his hand on the lotion nozzle and pretends to wipe it on both his legs {you can tell which parent he spends most his days with...}

is obsessed with chapstick and when he tries to put it on himself, he purses his lips, sticks them out, then applies chapstick to his chin. and he is very serious about this.

drives me bonkers
warms my heart
and rocks my socks off every single day


  1. I just about DIED at stephens lego creation. Hilarious. What a smart cookie! Now he needs to learn Rachel, seeing how I've never witnessed him saying "sassy" in reference to me :)

  2. With his auburn blocks at my house, he correctly picks up blue block or orange block when asked. Yes said oatmeal over and over last friday.

  3. This makes me want to jump in my car and drive to Mobile and play with him!

  4. you'll be SO glad you did this!! it is amazing how fast it all changes as you know. LOVE the language explosion...might be my favorite stage but then they are all my favorite ;)
    Troy and Stephen should get together and make lego creations sometime.

  5. HAHAHA I am laughing SO hard!!! I LOVE the whooo whooo belly button thing. That, the fish noise, and let me tell you—I can totally see a lego creation finding a home in my house one day. I, too, will allow it to be taken apart. Y'all are too funny!

  6. What a sweet post! It's so cute the way they have their own little vocabulary. You will be glad you did this!

  7. legos....i know adam cannot wait!! such a fun posts to read!

  8. i was about to write the same thing as rachel... "what a smart cookie"! haha... i love the legos!!! cant wait to see that smart boy this weekend and hoping he still remembers how to say my name! :)

  9. just noticed the updates to this post... i love the chapstick part!


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