
we're movin on up!

our 14.5 month video camera debacle has met its end.  

thanks to a very thoughtful husband of mine, we are now the proud owner of a video camera, that not only works, but it came with updated software that is compatible with my computer!  score

so watch out video lovers - you will definitely be seeing more of this in the days/weeks/months/years to come:

{and if the video seems like a "bennett do ____" montage, it kinda is, since we haved missed documenting many "skills" on video.  ive only taken these two videos so far, and i promise future videos with more bennett and less nasal-ly-mama-voice}


  1. What a BIG Boy!!! I got so happy when he found that B in the tub! That's amazing, Nat. He's gonna be reading by the time he is two :)

  2. GREAT tricks B!!!! so glad mama got a video camera!!!!

  3. I Love the video! Particularly his "tricks," although just watching him be his normal self is just fine with me! :-)Love ya'll, La

  4. even though i saw him yesterday its just still so exciting to see HOW BIG he is! cant wait for more videos :)

  5. i agree with rach.. even when i "know" what he can do.. i m still AMAZED when i see him do something or answer your questions.. what a smart little boy!!! keep the videos coming!!!


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© by Natalie at create.live.design, 2007-2012