
God made dirt so i guess it wont hurt

right???  this child was BORN a boy - in every way.  he loves all things that go, drive, roll, turn, fly, and GET DIRTY.  the nice weather we have been having recently has allowed for most afternoons spent outside.  i actually can just leave the back door open and keep a watchful eye on him through the den or kitchen (which all face the backyard) and bennett will entertain himself on the patio and backyard for hours if i let him.  

its great.
and its DIRTY


  1. ah!! love all the new pics! where in the world did he get the john deer tractor?? hilarious. love the ons of him on the dishwasher too :)

  2. He KNOWS how cute he is! :-) Love ya'll, La

  3. My favorites are the ones of B in the dishwasher!

  4. HAHA - I love the pictures of Bennett on the dish washer!!!!

  5. gah that boy has the best facial expressions!!!

  6. Absolutely adorable---so much fun to see what he will "explore" next! Thanks for the laughs! Love, Kak

  7. Loving this stage! (and a month ago, and the month before that, and...) He is a MESS and all boy! Such expressions and antics. Always in motion...XOXOXO!!


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© by Natalie at create.live.design, 2007-2012