{Oh, and as usual, Sisters: you cannot answer :) }
New Years New Years New Years.
I have mixed feelings about the whole New Year's Resolution thing. I am all for making promises to yourself in order to better yourself. I think you (me, everyone) should always try to become a better (for lack of a better word) person. And this includes having those wonderful people in your life who act as "accountability" people. In my case, I am lucky to have Stephen, my mom and sisters, and a couple very special friends who love me enough to give me this constructive criticism.
However, I have never been one of those "My diet starts tomorrow/Monday" types. If I want to change something/start something, I try to do it that day. Immediately. Even though I know the "wait till ___" sentiment usually applies to diets, I never understood waiting until a certain day...why not today? ANYWAY back to the point.
I DO make New Years Resolutions. And this year, I think they can all be summed up as this:
2009 shall henceforth be known as the year I
"get my STUFF together"
{there is no cursing on this blog, but you get the point}
- Those close to me know that one of my biggest complaints (and I hate...ehhem...dislike complain-y people) is that I just don't have enough time in the day. Our last book we read in bible study was The Prayer of Jabez. I really loved that book! One of the chapters really spoke to me. I have prayed and prayed for the ability to better handle all the different tasks in my life. Some are a given, many I place on myself. I love having my plate full. But it can be overwhelming, and disappointing, when I can't get everything done in the time frame I want to. It was such a revelation to realize that: I have been praying and praying for God to make my day longer...to give me that 25th hour. And he did. A couple months ago (see, couldn't wait till New Years) I started waking up at 6:30am. An hour or more before Bennett usually wakes up. WOW what a difference. I get my quiet time in the Word (which I admit I was having extreme trouble fitting in previously), time to eat breakfast, check work and personal emails, get Bennett's breakfast ready, make the bed, possibly take a shower (even though I usually wait until his morning nap to do that), and just get my stuff together.
I used to cook...all the time. Every night of the week, and sometimes on weekends. Then I became 6 months pregnant and decided I didn't feel like cooking. The sofa felt much better to me. This feeling stayed with me until, um, well now. I cook, but maybe once a week. And to clarify, cooking to me in this instance means with a recipe and I went to the store and bought stuff for it. Not let me see what I can make from the smorgasbord of oddities in our pantry. Or Stephen you eat a pb&j or a whole box of Family sized reduced fat Wheat Thins and I will have a Lean Cuisine (Spa Cuisine Twice the Veggies) or a bowl of soup.
- Work Out (more). I started working out when I was 15...I think it was for my birthday that I got a membership to the gym my parents went to. They would take me when they went (which used to be about 4 days a week!). I loved it. I worked out bc I loved it, it made me feel good, and it was good for me. When I felt under the weather, my dad always told me "go work out and you will feel better." Even though it may have been the last thing I wanted to do, I would always go and feel 110% better. This drive stuck with me and I continued to work out, at a gym, until I moved back to Mobile. I was a member of a gym in Mobile, but I hardly ever went. Then, I joined a different gym at the beginning of 2004 and decided to start working out more. And I did. Until I became 6 months pregnant. (Lots of things seemed to end at that point?!?!) I didn't start back working out anything until this September, when I started this Resolution. Yoga every Monday after I drop off Bennett at MDO. And now, starting NOW, I shall go more than just this once. And I will start running again. (Only this time I will have special cargo in tow...or in push)
- Organize all my work/bills/stuff. Ok thats no fun...moving on
- Seven inches later :: New Year, New DO!

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And now, completely unrelated, here is yet another "$10,000 and a New Cadillac" question:
Looksie who I found as an extra in the movie "You've Got Mail"
Name her and you shall receive your own happy pat on the back, and the respect of many
{Sisters, you MAY participate in this}
OH and for fun dont look at the comments before you think about your guess. I bet it is easy to place, but I was tickled when I saw it - she is on there for a split second and I had to rewind (God bless the DVR) and get a good laugh out of it.
haven't read this post all the way through yet but can already tell we have very similar resolutions. More importantly - that picture of B sitting on his feet is SO SO SO cute.
ReplyDeleteand the extra is the girl from grey's who troy says looks like a lion.
its definitely sara ramirez from greys anatomy! could tell immediately... and i also know the answer to your first quiz, even though i cant guess... o so corny... i doubt anyone else will get it. haha
ReplyDeletei cant wait to see ur hair in person!!!! so cute
WOW, i am so impressed. this post reminds how i have NONE of my STUFF together. :O yikes. anyway, love that pic of bennett sitting on his knees/feet ... priceless.
ReplyDeleteI'm dying to cut my hair right now! Yours looks great from the back! Hate I'm going to miss you tonight. Hope all is well!
ReplyDeletethat would be caliope torres from grey's anatomy. i get bonus points for knowing her full name. and i know the other answer but i keep your wishes true and not give it away!
ReplyDeleteCould you pleeeaaasseee get MY stuff together too???? Please??? :-) Love ya, La
ReplyDeleteHi Natalie - thanks for entering my contest with your resolutions!
ReplyDeleteHey! My resolution is the same!! :) I am so far behind on getting my stuff together that I haven't even read anyone's blog in ages. So I have lots of catching up to do! I also started getting up earlier (5:30 am, yikes!) in order to get my quiet time done and have some time before Carter wakes up. It's hard some mornings to roll out of bed, but it's been worth it. I can't wait to catch up on all of Bennett's posts! And I just realized that I missed his one year bday! Happy late first birthday, Bennett!!!