
Overrated? Or Rightly Deserved?

I have been asking myself this a lot recently - from SEC football teams to furniture to brand names to vehicles and now to presidents.

I was searching good ole Ebay for some prints for my house (I am finally getting the itch to actually DO something about the house I am always voicing that "isn't really me" - as in we STILL have not really moved in to this house and decorated it as if we are staying - everything here is the same stuff we bought for our first house, and this house has about 4 more rooms than that house did. Little at a time - Seriously, I make a living out of helping others make their homes "their own" and am chock full of opinions and ideas for them, but find it near impossible to do anything of worth to mine - or even make a decision on what I want in it to begin with. Designer's curse)

ANYWAY "I was searching good ole Ebay for some prints for my house" and came across THIS . Is it just me or is that just a weeeeeeeeee bit


ps. does anyone else find it strange that I continue to spell the word "pumpkin" wrong? I think it's bc I actually say it as "punkin" more than half the time in referring to my little punkin Bman. if you are too late in checking the blog and I have already fixed the title of the post below, then disregard what I just said.

pps. is "chalked full of" even a correct form of speech? or state of being? or is that another southernism gone wrong? .... I vote selection "c" - - - - - - Edited to add: Thanks Jessica for correcting me! :)


  1. I noticed the misspelling of pumpkin but as much I love to spell things (and I do) I can't stand correcting others... except my hubby :) But since you asked... the correct saying is "Chock full..." or packed to capacity... And although I am an Obama voter, I think that prints like that are ridiculous. He's not God, he's a president. The campaign is over and he's in... no need for posters of him now. The fact that it is $499 makes me want to vomit. I didn't pay that much for my very favorite (and gorgeous) painting!! Hope you are well!!

  2. It seems just a weeeeee bit over the top to me! Imagine that! Actually, I like YOUR work quite a bit! :-) Love ya, La


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