
Why Today Was GREAT

The weather. The kind of weather you walk outside and don't feel anything...hot or cold. Like the temperature outside is the same as your skin or something. It was marvelous. Bennett and I went for a long walk around our neck of the woods and he laughed when the wind blew.

I am half way done with my Christmas shopping. Yes you read that right. I am making up for my waaaaay last minute shopping last year and all the havoc it caused in my brain.

I had a great lunch and great conversation with a great friend.

No orange. Bennett seems OK - your guess is as good as mine what last night's "incident" was about. I abstained from feeding him baby food today, though, and stuck with formula.

I got to play with him all day

I found out Bennett has outgrown all his shoes, which resulted in a good laugh.

These didn't fit him, but they fit him the best out of all the others, so these are what he wore to walk around outside. (he is walking when he holds on to our fingers now)

Please pardon my unpainted toes. *SO* unattractive I know. But don't you love my flipflopslippers?Daddy came home. That's enough to make today wonderful, but then he sat on the floor and my two boys watched the remaining 10 minutes of Baby Einstein My First Signs.

We had "My Favorite Dinner" (by 'my' I mean Stephen). Lettuce, tomatoes, chopped green onion, edamame, mushrooms (just for me), avocado (split between the two of us), and chopped sauteed chicken tenders flavored with s&p, cumin, and chipotle chili pepper. Top with your favorite dressing (Annie's Naturals Balsamic Vinaigrette for Stephen, Annie's Natural Cowgirl Ranch for me) MMMMMMM Get you Some

Did I say the weather?!?


  1. the weather is FABULOUS here too! i'm happy to see bennett wearing the turtle socks i gave him way back whem :) he's a cutiepatootie

  2. It was a wonderful day! I enjoyed eating lunch with 2 of my favorite people :)

  3. i agree on the weather thing... WONDERFUL... not to mention all those other great things... lets go buy B some shoes! :)


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© by Natalie at create.live.design, 2007-2012