
The cruise that NEVER happened

Welllll Hello everyone. We are still here. We found out our flight that was supposed to leave out Monday morning was canceled on Sunday afternoon. (I just happened to call about it! Noone contacted me! typical) We tried to get on a flight out on Sunday night instead, but it was overbooked of course so we didn't get on it. So sad. So we are here, Stephen is back to work, and I am back to the normal day to day routine. Which is fine and OK, but man I wish we were on that cruise! I was thinking it would make me feel better if it was really rough and stormy weather out there by Key West, Belize and Cozumel. OOOOO not the case. I checked the buoys in those areas and the seas are only "less than 2 feet." Nice and calm. Grrr so the cruise would have been just perfect! We will see how Hanna pans out, but it appears it will just miss Fort Lauderdale and be further up the coast by this weekend, so it wouldn't have affected the cruise either!

I feel bad complaining about not making our cruise when there are millions of people without power and away from their homes all along the Gulf Coast. But, the fact still remains that we are bummed! Hopefully we will be able to plan another cruise, or some sort of trip, soon. But for now, I will just wait and jump through hoops wiht the insurance company in order to try to get our money back from the cruise! Yuck!

Wish me luck

Oh yeah and get this: as much as I LOVE packing for trips, now I get to UNpack (something I really hate doing!!) for a trip we didn't even get to go on!!!! UGH!!!


  1. SO bummed for you Nat! I do hope you get to go on a super fun trip really, really soon!
    HATE unpacking too...esp after you packed so neatly in your ziplocs!

  2. nat-so sorry about your trip! I am hoping that does not happen to us for our honeymoon!

  3. Sooooooooooooo sad about this! :( Such a bummer. Mean ol Gustav.

  4. I was so surprised when I saw your posting on my blog! Was hoping your cruise & flights had worked out. So sorry... but now you can look forward to when you finally get to go! :)

  5. so sad yall didnt get to go! we were looking forward to babysitting steele and possibly steal bennett away for a night.
    maybe we can get together this weekend and play since yall will be home?
    hope yall are enjoying the week w/ mr. b man!!

    (o and i was VERY proud of your ziploc packing skills!)


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