
Bennett is 6! months

A. Six things Bennett is doing NOW:
1. Throwing his paci everywhere then looking at me like "Cmon Mom hop to it and pick that thing up"
2. Lunging at me - as in all of a sudden getting this devilish look in his eyes, reaching with both hands, smirking, and LUNGING - usually at my face.
3. Making a lot of noise - whether it is by throwing toys, raking his rattles over any surface he can, squealing, screaming (talking-screaming, not crying-screaming).
4. Drinking formula completely. *tear
5. Fake crying to get attention. We have always called him bipolar as a joke, but seriously now he will look at us, make the most pitiful fake sad face (lips pouted, eyes closed [just enough to make a statement, then he peeks to see if we are watching] and crocodile tears flowing), make one or two waa's, then open his eyes and smile.
6. Grabbing everything. Remotes, Laptops, Cell phones (and dont you dare try to "trick" him by buying kiddie versions of any of these - he only has interest in the real thing), hair, eyes, noses, mouths, any type of blanket/towel/rag, spoons, skin, really ANYTHING.

B. Six tricks:
1. Acts like he understands what "All done" means when I sign it to him. He smiles after I say it and shows no more interest in his bottle. He shows interest in the bottle and wants to keep trying to eat, even if it is empty, until I say and sign "All done"
2. He has learned to rotate the wheel on his Baby Einstein caterpillar toy. (the red thing shown in the pic on the right)
3. Sitting on his own. On the floor, on the bed, on the couch, on a table (supervised of course), on his changing table, in his bath tub, so on and so forth.
4. Taking his acid reflux medicine. The application method has changed several times (several different droppers/syringes, etc) but whenever he sees the bottle, he opens his mouth and calmly, gently, swallows the medicine. Even in the midst of a D1 episode (see below)
5. Attempting to feed himself. I left him a couple nights ago in his high chair while I got a wipe to clean his face. When I came back, he had picked up his spoon and put it in his mouth. I continued to watch him (with a camera of course) pick up the spoon, put it in his mouth, take it out, and repeat. He's learning!!

6. Arches his back and spreads his arms when he sees me going to pick him up (my arms outstretched in his direction). He knows what I am doing and welcomes it, of course.

C. Bennetts favorite things:
1. Bottles/FOOD
2. His 'Angel Dear' blankies (the ones that have the different animals on them. He has a bear, monkey, lamb, bunny, and duck. He loves them all)
3. Music. Of all kinds. Toys that make music. Mommy singing (which makes me a little concerned about his ear development). He even stares in awe at his little clock radio CD player in his room.
4. His paci. Loves it. Not too worried about breaking him of this habit yet, it sure does come in handy.
5. "Chugga chugga chugga chugga choo choo" and "Ah-Choo" noises. Gets a smile, a shriek, and even sometimes an all out belly laugh.
6. Mirrors. Laughing at that precious little fellow that lives in the mirror and how funny he is. Trying to grab that cute boy. Talking to him and trying to figure out how he always knows exactly what to say back. Trying to kiss him, or just slime him with drool's more like it. This is where I would insert a really funny video of this, but as you know we have video issues over here.

D. Six things Bennett does NOT like:
1. Getting out of the bathtub. We are trying to decide if it is bc he is cold, or doesnt like the feeling of being "dried off," or bc he usually eats and goes to sleep afterwards, and is READY.
2. When Mommy makes a face and/or loud noise he isnt used to. Like when I am imitating something or making a point or just plain being a girl and getting carried away with talking/hand gestures. Insert an A5.
3. Being put into his car seat. However, the second the seat is picked up, as to imply that he will be going somewhere, he is perfectly fine.
4. Going to sleep in a place he doesn't recognize. He FIGHTS it
5. Um, not being able to, um, GO. You know, GO.
6. Monotony

E. Bennett's nicknames (dont even attempt to psychoanalyze these)
1. Butter Bean
2. B, or B man
3. Benetian My Quetian (or "Queesh" for short). yea dont ask. (guess which one of us came up with that one? hint: his initials are Stephen O'Quinn Roe)
4. Cutie Pa Tootie
5. Bennett O'Quinn (a la Pop, Stephen's Dad. O'Quinn is both Pop and Stephen's middle name)
6. Buddy

F. Things I havent done since having Bennett:
1. work out in a gym. I am in the worst cardio shape of my entire life, with the biggest biceps Ive ever had.
2. cooked dinner 4 nights in a row. I used to do this every week.
3. gone running. Used to do this around 3 times a week
4. spent 4 hours straight sitting down, lying down, etc except when sleeping. Used to do this regularly with work
5. gone to a movie. Thats right. Still havent seen Sex and the City movie.
6. brush my teeth or shave my legs. ha! yea so im not THAT busy! :)

G. Things I miss when I am away from him:
1. seeing his sleepy eyes when he wakes up from a long happy nap
2. the feel of his cheek against mine
3. him grabbing my hands. his little palm. and his little feet. Ok yea so I know thats more than one thing, but this is my list so I give myself permission to deviate4. seeing him kick his legs like crazy and squealing from excitement
5. his smell. sweet baby goodness
6. the time right after he finishes his last feeding at night but before I put him in bed. He just lies there, looking at me, or my hands, smiling and cooing and sighing. Happy happy happy. Just content. And in love am I

happy six months Bennett. you are all of your parents joy and love for each other personified. you make me want to be a better person, a fuller person, a more humble and God fearing and God praising person. you are unconditional love and the most wonderful thing i have ever done.

keep up the good work B! :)



  1. Happy 1/2 Birthday B!!!! He is growing SO fast!!!

  2. Yay! Great post Natalie!! I love the comment about Bennett being bipolar. Carter will do the same thing!!! Cry/pout and then smile and laugh in the same second!

    Happy 6 months, Bennett!!!

  3. best. post. ever! love the little queesh..thats hilarious. why dont you hop to it and have like ten more? :) love you

  4. PRECIOUS post!! Happy 6 months B boy! We love you!!! You look so much bigger than you did just two weeks ago!

  5. Whaaaaaaaaaaat?!?! SIX months? Seriously?! He is so precious and you will be SO glad you recorded all of his milestones/habits, etc. Love it. Can not wait to hold that boy in one short month!! Happy Half-Birthday, Bennett!

  6. HAPPY HALF BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY HALF BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY HALF BIRTHDAY DEAR BENNETT! HAPPY HALF BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! love you little boy and are so proud of all your accomplishments!!!

  7. i just teared up at the end. That was such a great post!!

  8. This was a fun post to read. I liked getting to learn all about what B likes, doesn't like and can do. Make time to go see Sex and the City...it is wonderful! He is so cute and growing like a weed. Don't blink, you'll be throwing his first bday party before you know it!

  9. How fast 6 months comes and goes! I love keeping up with how Bennett is growing. Happy 6 months!

  10. Such a busy little boy! I really can't believe B is 6 months already. He is such a happy baby and you are an amazing Mama!! BTW, I haven't seen Sex and the City either! Didn't think there was a another girl in Mobile who has not seen it...let's make a date to go together.

  11. Bennett is so precious! I know you are enjoying this special time! Simms just turned 8 months on the 1st! Aren't these babies just wonderful? Love,Margaret


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