

Promise not to tell anyone...

But I am putting Bennett to sleep on his tummy now.

OK before anyone out there freaks out and calls child services, let me explain. (by the way I feel like all my posts recently have been about sleeping habits - welcome to a day in the life of a new mommy) Benentt has never been a tummy-time fan. He fusses and whines, etc. He only likes it when he is good and tired, and then and only then will he sleep, and sleep like a rock.

I am so paranoid that he is going to get the feared "flat spot" on the back of his head. So last night I decided to place him on his belly when he went to bed (after feeding him at 7pm). Instead of the hour or so it would normally take him to fall asleep (in and out of fussing, talking, looking around, flalyling (is that a word?) his arms out in that reflex move that scares babies, dozing off, then screaming) it only took him five minutes and he was OUT. When I got him up to feed him (dream feed I guess ? bc he stays pretty much asleep the entire time) at 10pm I put him back down on his back for the rest of the night.

He was WIDE awake when I put him to bed tonight, again on his belly, and lo and behold he fell FAST asleep in less than five minutes! I will put him on his back again tonight after I feed him, just so I can sleep in peace, but is it wrong that I see no harm in letting him sleep on his belly for three hours??? So before anyone calls child services on me, please know I have the monitor on him at all times and am turning it up full blast every 20 minutes or so just to hear that sweet deep breathing.

Am I wrong for dat? (as Stephen would say)


The Crib is IN!!!!


  1. well then post a pic of the crib!!!!! we all are dying to see it... but i know you will wait and get the entire room put together perfect before a pic is posted... so im gonna just have to come over and see it! had a fun weekend! love yall!

  2. Yay!! Finally! I can't wait to come over and see the nursery in completion! :)

  3. tummy issue: dave is a tummy sleeper ALL the time. we started it at 7 weeks. he REFUSED to sleep on his back. it was a LONG 7 weeks. anyways, they have this bed alarm at Babies R Us..it is called Angel Care. the alarm goes off if there is a lack of movement like breathing for 15 seconds. it has been AMAZING for us and i sleep so well at night knowing i dont have to listen for his actual breathing. it's about 100 but completely worth it if you find Bennett has an obvious preference. i know a number of moms who put their babies on their tummies as well with the help of this alarm. just wanted to pass that info your way!!

  4. you know i'm an angel care alarm addict! that's how i was comfortable letting jack sleep in his newborn lounger and with a blanket when he was itty bitty!

  5. I let Blake nap on his tummy since he was tee-tiny. I was too nervous to let him do it all night till he was 4 months! (But he was swaddled till then.) As long as you're checking in on him via the video monitor, I say let him sleep on his tummy!! They sleep so much better that way!

  6. YAY!!!! Its about time that thing came in ;) Can't wait to see pictures of Bennett's completed room !!!!

  7. You know that the "back sleeping" rule makes me smile because of how amazing it is that all of YOU turned out well sleeping on your tummies...and you ALL did because the rule THEN was to never ever put a baby to sleep on its back! Funny how the rules change over time! I think the baby police will give you a pass on this infraction! :-) Love ya!

  8. Natalie,
    After a HORRIBLE first couple of days of Sipsey not sleeping on her back, I bought some sleep positioners and put her to sleep on her side. That helped a little, but my mom finally convinced me to put her on her back. She has been sleeping through the night since week 4 and now sleeps from about 9 pm to 9 am! I get up before she does and get myself ready and then have to wake her up to eat. We're at week 10 now and have had no problems so far. The pediatrician was not too happy with us but we are getting sleep. Sipsey has also found her thumb and that helps too! I have rambled way too much so you can read my blog for our other adventures!

  9. Neely Kate slept on her tummy often. She enjoyed it. She never got a flat head either. Rotating the way she slept was best for us.


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© by Natalie at create.live.design, 2007-2012