

I just wanted to dedicate a post to Bennett's Great Grandmother, and my Granny, Stella Johnson Setzler. She passed away Friday morning after 84 incredibly rich and blessed years. Her legacy of love, integrity, and faith is carried on by her four children (including my dad), 9 grandchildren, and 6.5 great grandchildren (counting Bennett as the .5). My Grandfather passed away about 11 years ago, and a little piece of her went with him when he did. Since then, I know a day hasnt passed that she hasnt thought about him and missed him. It does give me comfort to know she is with "her Jimmy" now.

Granny was a wonderful mother and lived for her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. My mom lost her own mother at a very young age, and never knew that in meeting my father she would in turn meet the wonderful woman who was to be her mother for the next 30 years. Granny took my mom under her wing and became her mother almost seamlessly. I always wondered how someone who did not grow up with a mother of her own could turn into such a phenomenal mother herself, until I realized that everything she learned she learned from Granny. I have a new found appreciation for this relationship now as I head into this wonderfully new stage of life and frequently turn to my own mother for advice, wisdom, and comfort. Granny showed nothing but unconditional love for all of her children, including my mother.
I am blessed that I have the wonderful examples of lifetime love in my Granny and Grandfather as well as my mom and dad.

We will all miss her, and of course all selfishly wish she would never leave, but do find extreme comfort in knowing that she is at peace and had no fear of her passing, as she knew where she was going. She was going home - to her Lord and Savior as well as to her Jimmy - back home where she belonged. I wish that Bennett could have met his Great Granny, but I will make sure he knows her love and understands what a great legacy she has left through all of her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.

We Love You!

1 comment:

  1. Natalie that was so precious. We'll be praying for you and your family. Your Granny sounds wonderful, you wrote about her beautifully.


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