
Need S'more of This, Please

A few weekends ago we visited the camp to celebrate Stephen's 30-something birthday.  It was SO hot but still great to be up there NOT with a newborn.

The first night I honestly suffered some slight anxiety.  I hadn't been up there since Jacob was four months old and his fourth month was the turning point for me and us and LIFE.  All of those sleepless nights and nursing nightmares and sheer exhaustion just came flooding back.  However I am happy to say Stephen and I slept blissfully both nights and everything was as predictable as it was at home.  Now the weather just needs to cooperate and all will be well.

Plenty of new memories were made, one big one being s'mores.  Stephen had been wanting to do this for awhile so as a "surprise" {he saw the marshmallows before we drove up on Friday...boo} we roasted some on Saturday night.

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You would have thought we told Bennett we were going to go to DisneyWorld and he was going to drive Lightning McQueen, and Buzz Lightyear and Doc McStuffins were going to come live with him.  He was THAT excited.
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I have a feeling the experience slightly disappointed just because it was 145 degrees outside and a lightning storm was quickly approaching so we cut the outing short.
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But they tasted just as I remembered and made us look forward to trying again in cooler weather.

Now, gimme smore of THIS please
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{little Wells}
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{my littlest butter bean, who was blissfully asleep during s'more making}


  1. What a wonderful time at a beautiful spot! I know you look forward to many more visits! I think s'mores are a great alternative to birthday cake! :-) Love ya'll, La

  2. Cutest pictures! You could just 'feel' how hot it was, especially in that picture of Emory.
    Cool weather is just around the corner :)
    Love, Hugs, and S'mores!

  3. It is getting cooler in Houston. Which means mobile should be arctic. We are so close to fall!! Love those babies <3

  4. He is so cute - such beautiful eyes. Like me, I'm sure you are finding that the "baby" days are moving by very quickly all of a sudden!

  5. Love those new teeth...beautiful babies! Love you all

  6. love jacob's eyes!!!! precious pic of emory biting into that s'more!

  7. What a fun weekend..Yall have the prettiest kids and now there is sweet beautiful Wells..I can't handle the cuteness!


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