
to every thing there is a season

and a time to every purpose under heaven
ecclesiastes 3:1

and my current season required my first ever cup of coffee this morning.  
prepared by my live-in coffee chef, stephen roe.

ok it might have been chocolate flavored coffee with milk and half a tablespoon of sugar, but it still took me  four sips and then i was hooked.
it even inspired me to do a very coffee-drinker thing this morning and meander around my garden in my pajamas and slippers....in the crisp morning air, oooing at the tiny green buds peeping through the dirt, 
...holding a precious chubby baby whose ridiculous lack of nighttime sleep the past two nights is responsible for said monumental coffee moment.

stephen has always insisted i love hot tea not simply because of the taste, but of the way i hold it and snuggle up to the warmth and the moment. 
he is absolutely correct.
ive decided coffee is wonderful and i will drink it now too.
and i will always drink it like this

via sasha bell on flickr
then i made myself a green smoothie, consisting of a frozen banana, five fresh strawberries, a carton of dannon pure strawberry yogurt, milk, honey, two handfuls of ice, and third of a huge bag of spinach.  seriously, make one of these...you dont even slightly taste the spinach.
{kale is good to use too but can be a little grainy when blended}

apparently it was all about shocking my system this morning, as my current "season" has my system running around feeling like a dummy half the time. 
{as in my mom just had to remind me that infants need tylenol after immunizations and he might not be sleeping well the past two nights due to achy side effects.  also the two bandaids on jacobs thighs should remind me of maybe one reason he's been straightening his legs like they hurt.  yes, i exclaimed in confusion "and to top it off hes been so stiff in his legs the past two days like hes in pain or something and i have no idea why!".  this is my THIRD child, right??? right???}
i digress

hope everyone has a good weekend!
welcome to the "new" old blog.  hope i managed to maintain a few readers with the switch :)


  1. Love the new blog and you still have me as a faithful reader, love you. So good to see picks of those sweet babies...miss a pic of the big boy.

  2. Congrats on the new blog and your blogeversary! I tried a green smoothie today! Surprisingly good!

  3. Love the new look! Very pretty! :-) Love ya'll, La

  4. Where you and your blog goes, I will follow! Love it, as always!

  5. Ditto on what Cindy said! Love the new header.

  6. hey new blog! i'll miss the blog that reconnected us!

  7. hi new blog! i like you! and nat- that image of the girl holding the coffee cup - it looks JUST like you!!

  8. I drink a green smoothie almost every day! They are delicious!! And I also love hot tea and have a cup every morning! But, somedays do call for coffee and it's delicious too :)


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© by Natalie at create.live.design, 2007-2012