
how my garden grows

i have been "gardening" for several years now.  each year i have grown my own vegetables/herbs from seeds.  and each year, my tomato plants have only yielded a few tomatoes, if any {last year i had one plant taller than me. it was healthy, beautiful, huge, and BARREN}.  maybe one cucumber {that did not look like a bitter tennis ball}.  no bell peppers.  you get the idea.  maybe i needed to do some serious fertilizing? i dont know.

this year, i took the "easy" way out and just bought all my plants as little plant babies early this season.
BIG difference.  besides watering them i havent touched them.  my grape tomatoes are growing...like grapes.
i am literally collecting handfuls every other day.
they are a quick fabulous treat every time i walk by the kitchen. mmmmm
dont you love the way your hands smell after you mess with your tomato plants?
oh my.
is there anything better??

this year we also have roma tomatoes
rosemary and cilantro, red bell peppers, zuchinni and squash
blue berries and strawberries
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sunflowers and salvia
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i designed and we stephen built these above ground gardens this year - they have made a huge difference and also look much nicer than the big white barrels of yesteryear :)

i have to admit buying my plants vs seeds has lead to much greater output and of course saves time.  who am i turning into? HA.  no really i dont think im going back to the seed method.
its worth the $3.99 per plant to have oodles and oodles of vegetables...vs. pennies for nothing.
what about yall? gardens this year? seeds or plants?
{i would love to hear tips if any of you DO grow from seeds and have not had this output problem like me}

in other news, this young man graduated from 3 yr old preschool yesterday:
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and to answer your question, yes he was the only kid there who cleaned his plate.


  1. Bennett is adorable. Isn't time flying too fast? We did plants in our garden. This is our first. And it sure was a rewarding feeling to get onions needed for a dish straight from my yard. I felt a little old fashioned telling Simms, "ok. This calls for onion. Let's go pick some" :)

  2. I'm trying to picture where in your yard your beds are?

    And my question is not of Bennett cleaned his plate bur HOW in the midst of all that chaos did you notice such a thing???

  3. hmmmm natalie...what are yall doing with the salvia you have planted? am i going to come over to your house to find a loopy and giddy natalie/stephen combo?
    i kid i kid..
    congrats to bennett!! he is getting so big i don't know what to do!!

  4. I always do plants...so much easier. My tomatoes are growing just not as fast as yours, basil, thyme, dill and cilantro are very happy and growing well...parsley not so much...you have a great spot to start composting to help your garden grow. Love Aunt Elizabeth

  5. Last year at this time I had a little tomato plant that I bought and had some green tomatoes on it. I also had basil and some other potted flowers on our porch. THIS YEAR...it has been raining pretty much for the past 2 months. It is in the 50s everyday and is miserable (I live in PA). So until the sun comes back I will have to enjoy the pictures of your garden and sunshine!

  6. WOW y'all's garden looks amazing!!! We have a little "put the plants straight from lowe's to the ground & i hope they are growing over there" garden.

    congrats graduate bennett :)

  7. i just laughed out loud when i saw that pic of Bennett....so cute!!

  8. Congratulations, Bennett! And you too, Nat - your garden looks like it's on steroids!! I've never seen so much fruit on the vine in one photo! And yes, I love the smell of tomato plants! Read Finch's tomato article in today's paper!

  9. Love this! Beautiful pictures of your beautiful garden!

  10. I'm jealous of your green thumb. way to go B!! I know he was the smartest 3 year old in the class.


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