
Coastal living

Jut dropping in to say:
I left my computer at home this weekend.
Emory is taking a nap.
Daddy and Bennett are at publix.
I am reading the April coastal living for the first time (I am very behind on my magazines).
The beach is cool and windy and sunny.
I brought this bubble down here and if warms up enough, she will be wearing it.
This post is going to have correct capitalization and punctuation bc the iPhone is cool like that.
Thank you so much for all your feedback from my last post! I really did have so much fun with all of it and might have gotten a litle carried away (lets just call it therapy). I think I'm going to do another post soon called "but for real, THIS is my house" to assure you that my real life is 97% dirty dishes, dirty laundry, dirty floors, and DIRT and only 3% pretty baptism lunches.
I only have four and a half toes total with polish left on them. Bennett is bothered by that.
It is so quiet right now. Momma, I am listening to it. The sound of the small refrigerator in the den and the wind.
I haven't figured out how to get pictures from my phone directly to my blog yet so this is probably a boring post to most.
I have two more posts mostly written so I can guarantee it will not be two weeks before I post next.
I just blacked out for like three minutes listening to the silence. For real I don't know the last time I heard such silence.
Those people running over there on the other side of the river on the beach road need to be punched. Never mind maybe I just need to get up and start doing it again too. The beach was always my favorite place to run.
I want an iPad. Those things are ah may zing.
Bennett told me on the way home from school Thursday that he was going to get on an airplane and go see Jesus. Because Jesus is in heaven and heaven is "way up high in the sky."
He also told me that his friend Jonah bit Emory's foot. However as far a I could tell it was only Emory and Bennett in the kitchen when the crying commenced. "Bennett did you use your teeth when you kissed emorys foot?" "no she is just really very sleepy right now".
I just received a bill from iTunes for twenty two dollars. From games that Bennett has bought using my phone. Games you are supposed to enter a password for before purchase? I know he does not know my password so I am a bit angry with iTunes for somehow not requiring it at times? Twenty.Two.Dollars.
Have a good weekend!


  1. Haha and didn't he buy games on Stephen's phone too? He is quite the tech-savy 3 year old. Gotta love the beach though. I need a quiet beach weekend too :) thanks for taking pictures or Hollis and me. Can't wait to give them a looksie

  2. Ha!ha!ha! You crack me up! Ill let lack o'pics slide this time; and I hate to tell ya that the iphone let u down (litle right after that statement!). So glad u got to relax and 'hear the quiet at the beach!

  3. i cracked up reading this post earlier bc u seemed to be in relaxation delirium w/ your style of writing. it was awesome, despite the lack of pics. Glad yall had a good time down there! And I'm not surprised Bman can order what he wants- he's done it on my phone too ("I going to get Dora!")


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