
change of seasons

i feel like we just experienced one.
in 24 hours.
yesterday it was in the mid sixties {weathermen said it was a high of 70, but i wouldnt take it that far} and then today i refused to step foot outside for fear of freezing in place and therefore being unable to carry on motherly duties...

like trying to get our four month old to take a bottle.
five times over the past couple days many members of my family and i have tried {to no avail} to get my daughter to take a bottle.  she has taken it before, many moons ago.
no such luck this time.
i am supposed to be galavanting off to the beach again this upcoming weekend for a "moms night away from everything" {i.e. responsibility} with some friends and i have been under high stress alert all day since emory refuses to accept imposters at meal times.

i may or may not have had to call in the troops to assist at bedtime:
this unidentified male came well equipped as he has personally witnessed the fiesty fits that accompany foolish imposter mommies.

thankfully, after putting up a respectfully strong fight, young emory ruth succumed to her hunger and the sound-muffling head phones were removed.


ask me again tomorrow cause it seems i have no choice but to bottle feed all feedings until i leave so i KNOW she will be ok.

the same unidentified male may or may not have brushed my sons hair like this after his bath and brought me to stitches


and now moving on to other changes, comparably inconsequential, the blog received a tiny facelift.  i added links to some of my favorite inspirational blogs {some friends, some blog friends, some total strangers} as well as a few little cosmetic changes.

knowing me it will take awhile for all changes/adjustments/improvements to take place.

and bc i couldnt leave you without a little dose of inspiration:
my sister sent me this picture today and i had one of those immediate "LOVE this" reactions.
office desk - awesome

a FABRIC covered desk with MONSTROUS nail head trim?
and books
and windows
and fresh flowers
and lamps

um, yes please.


  1. Your little boy is so cute! Love his hair all slicked back. :)

  2. Promise I'll be ALL over Emory duty if she continues to hate the imposters. :)

    Have you tried lots of different kinds of bottles? Jack would only take playtex nursers, i have a wide variety of brands and sizes if you want to experiment.

  3. heck yes that picture is so awesome! im glad you love it as much as i did!!
    and you could sooo make that - upholster a door/piece of plywood, two saw horses stained with a watered-down grey paint...etc. DONE.

    and o em gee bennett's hair!!!! i just laughed out loud

    love that picture of stephen with embop too - priceless

  4. I am laughing out loud...first the earmuffs, then Bennett's hair. Hilarious!!!
    I'm so excited about your inspiration section of your blog...I will be frequently strolling through there.

  5. I hope E cooperates so that you can enjoy girls night fully... B's hair is hilarious.

  6. I am starting to worry about the same sort of thing. My daughter (4.5 mo) has been taking her dr. brown's wide neck bottle when i have to go places about once every 2 weeks or so. She has been taking this like a champ since we tried it out at 3 wks old. But I now realize..this type of bottle is wide neck,and also only holds 4 oz. Welll....the other bottles we have are not wide neck, and im thinking before i take her to Grams' all day tomorrow i need to try out the other smaller nipple. That is nothing like the breast. These 4 monthers are smart....

    That said, have you tried a variety of different bottles. I will say, the wide neck nipples for dr brown's are supposed to be comparable to the breat, you may want to try it!

  7. This unidentified male is so handsome! His headphones make quite the fashion statement....but it is probably what made Em finally give in to taking the bottle from him! Speaking of fashion statements--Mr. Bennett has me laughing out loud! And that desk may be the coolest thing ever! I think nailhead trim makes everything look so finished! Love ya'll, La

  8. love those pictures. bennett w his hair slicked back is a spittin image of YOU!


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