
down to one

  • pair of shoes that i can comfortably wear now {thank you to my MIL for this gift so long ago}

  • month or so till little lady graces us with her presence.  i am ready.  stephen is ready.  her room is not ready.  SO, operation get my childrens rooms done starts this week.
  • ring that fits on my left ring finger, and its NOT my wedding bands :( i didnt have to face this with bennett, and it saddens me greatly not to have those rings on.  i never take them off - not to shower or sleep or swim or anything - so this has required some adjusting.
  • pound left until i EXCEED my top weight reached while pregnant with bennett.  *sigh*
  • chair that i can comfortably sit in to work, and its not my desk chair.  and its not the sofa.  or dining room chairs.  or my bed.  its the infamous la-z-boy recliner i begrudgingly inherited when i got married.  most of you have heard or seen this chair at some point.  its been in pictures of bennett and its always the chair stephen is sitting in.  but its MAROON.  or maybe burgundy.  i dont know which is better/worse.  and i have been forced to deal with its presence since we married bc, honestly, when we got married it was the nicest piece of furniture we owned, and the newest.  i have informed stephen that when we move, if we move, it is being replaced.  and if our house does NOT sell, it will be replaced.  he is actually fine with it, but i do have to say the whole prop your feet up really high, sit with a pillow and laptop in your...um... "lap" {if you can even call it that these days}, hands and mousepad up on a big comfortable padded chair arm thing is really working these days.  as i said, its the ONLY thing working and preventing uncomfort from working in one position for hours at a time.  me and the burgundy chair, we have come to a sort of understanding for the time being.  his life is prolonged as long as he continues to support and comfort this un-supportable and un-comfortable pregnant body. {but he does understand he will be gone eventually, its just a matter of time...}
  • rib left on my right side as bennett jr. seems to be taking the exact same position her brother took toward the end of his pregnancy..."bottoms up" and pressed as tightly as she can against my right rib cage to the point that i think it all will just snap.  sometimes she even defies physical logic and anatomy and manages to get part of her body OVER my rib cage.  i literally feel like she is trying to grab my lung.  but through the top of my rib cage.  that doesnt make any sense.  
  • sentence i can say per deeeeep breath.  so if you are talking to me on the phone, or in person, yes i DO know i am breathing very loudly and frequently.  as i said: lungs being grabbed by unexplainable baby hands or feet from on top of whats left over of the right side of my ribcage.
  • reoccurring dream: emory is still in my tummy, but i can see her.  and she recognizes my voice when i sing to her and looks just like a sweet little sleeping baby and its not weird that i can see her.  but at the end of the dream i have to say "bye" and wait until she is born to see her again.  so i wake up missing her.  bc i feel like i have seen her before.  i really like this dream.



  1. i cant wait to ACTUALLY see her! she will be the most beautiful baby girl in the world, i just know it :)

  2. just means it's getting closer to time for her to be here :)

  3. I know what you mean about the ribs & "lung grabbing" thing. My son was the same way. So hard to explain, but I really do get it :)

    What a sweet dream about your baby girl!

  4. I didn't realize she would be here so soon! When I was pg with Cope, I too had to stop wearing my rings, and had horrible shortness of breath. It was hilarious to our congregation at church I'm sure when Dru, Simms and I lit the advent wreath at Christmas and I had to stop talking and catch my breath. Total embarrassment for me! Enjoy this last month, but I promise life will be even sweeter once she's here!

  5. sweet! sweet! i am so glad she's almost here :)

  6. Hey Natalie
    Hang in there! :) I feel for you! How are your appointments going? I went yesterday and 50% effaced but not dilated (so that is good) and baby head down! So all good things, keep me posted. Love ya


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© by Natalie at create.live.design, 2007-2012