
rainy weekends are good for

naps and unmade bedsDSC_3805 copy

indoor fortsDSC_3809 copyDSC_3808

sewingDSC_3800 copy

and more sewingDSC_3799 copyDSC_3802 copy

art classesDSC_3705 copy

getting rid of all those obnoxious remaining tasslesDSC_3810 copy

...and then perhaps most exciting:
continued baby flutters {i first felt her move tuesday night, the night i found out she was a she}
its probably the thing i missed the most about being pregnant :)
{and since many people have asked, i thought i would show the [blogging] world what i showed my family as our "proof"}




  1. Cute post! Please show a picture of your daygowns when you finish them!

  2. Too too funny! You are making me miss being pregnant already! Dru would die if he heard me say that ;-)

  3. Been missin' ya'll! My guys always loved a fort...first for rainy days,,,then for ANY day! Can't wait to see what you are making for the MISS!!!!! Love ya'll, La

  4. I LOVE Michie patterns and quite a few others too. I have patterns still from when Katie was a little girl!! Loved sewing for her and now for Brennan(though don't get to as much as I'd like) Can't wait to see your creations! LOVE the "proof" pics!!! Exciting times!

  5. cant wait for a name to be picked!!

  6. oh my gosh - please sew me something - I will take anything!! You're so stinking talented!


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© by Natalie at create.live.design, 2007-2012