
let it snow

{cliche title i know, but i just cant believe i can say that and it actually applies!}

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its about darn time.
snow is something we rarely - and by rarely i mean every ten years or so maybe - ever see down here.

its been forcasted for days now and i had every intention of hanging around the house, in our pajamas, all day until the snow hit.  they forcasted it for early this morning.  but when i woke up there was no snow, only rain.  i thought all our chances for snow were drifting away with each passing minute.

HOWEVER, somewhere around 10am this morning i glanced away from the window and lo and behold when i glanced back i saw it! the real thing!

we mad-dashed around the house throwing on coats and pants and gloves and boots over our pajamas to make it outside in time.  i just KNEW it would stop.

thank goodness it didnt! bennett was a bit skiddish of the snow at first.  i opened the door and he stood frozen in the doorway staring off into space not wanting the white stuff to hit him.  well i began to melt from being all bundled up and still standing in our warm house so i all but pushed him out the door.

he loosened up after some neighborhood kids ran by. {he even started doing his "wiggle wiggle wiggle" dance}
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camille and her momma came outside to play as well.

at first the two kiddos stood mesmerized and wouldnt look really at each other OR the two camera-ready moms standing arm length away.
then they started goofing off
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and stuck their tongues out to catch the snow
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and yes they were holding hands the whole time
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true love folks.
true. love.

we were outside for a good 45 minutes or so and it really started to accumulate
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{note to those of you who enjoy photography: this was with my regular kit lens the camera came with.  usually i can only achieve this type of effect on my 50mm 1.8/f lens.  i was surprised when i got in and uploaded it to my computer.  you go regular-ole-kit-lens - learn something new every day!}

bennett walked around some, but mainly just stood like this while i snapped away
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and as quickly as it arrived, it was gone.
bennett and steele were happy to be out of the wet clothes and inside where it was warm.
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even though bennett wont ever remember this, except through pictures and video, i will definitely hold this memory dear.  i love me some snow!  and i also love me the fact that we arent stuck in our homes from a blizzard or having to shovel off the driveway just to go to work.
we will take what we can get and love every single split-second of it  :)

and now, some video for the grandparents and aunts/uncles:



  1. you are not going to believe the snow here in auburn--its probably around 5 inches right now!!

    love the videos :)

  2. i'm so glad you took videos! thats crazy how much more it snowed there than it did at my house! looks like bennett is going to love skiing one day :)

  3. Right Erin! And I, for one, can't wait til he is old enough to go! :-) Love the videos and love ya'll! La

  4. i can not get over how cute those pictures with Bennett and Camille are...i mean postcard/magazine cute. seriously.

  5. Just so darn cute!! Faces of awe and wonder.


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© by Natalie at create.live.design, 2007-2012