bennett is a repeater.
he will say the same word/saying over and over again - usually until he gets a response from it.
this can be both cute and brain numbing
what has been extremely amusing recently is his rather extensive arsenal of sayings with inflections
things such as:
almost! {when he almost makes a basket in basketball}
here ya go. {whenever he gives anyone anything}
let me see... {when he is looking for something, opening a present, looking in the pantry...etc}
hmmm... {when he is thinking about something, usually precedes the "let me see"}
holy cow {after mommy said "holy cow" in response to something daddy said. he said it in the exact same pitch and everything}
good shot! {when he makes a basket in basketball}
no no no _____ . {when he thinks we are doing something we shouldn't open chips or throwing a ball}
mommy green eyes/daddy blue eyes/benney woe blue eyes {this is used as a filler. usually right after we pick him up and he just has to say something}
see ya later {when people say byebye...or when i put him down for a nap}
speaking of basketball, looks like we have our very own larry bird on our hands:
bennett has also been "testing" me again with nap time. thinking of every fun toy and video {or moooovie as he calls them} he owns and saying their names over and over again and refusing to lie down and sleep. ill leave him in there for thirty minutes, listening to him go from talking to screaming to fake crying/moaning until i go in there just to lie him back down, leave, and start the whole process over again.
how do i really know he is just testing me?? because a friend came over one afternoon and we listened to bennett's fake cry as we talked. before she left i {perhaps rudely} asked: "could you do me a favor? could you go into bennett's room, make sure he has his blankie and paci, lie him back down, tell him its time for his nap, and come back out please? i just want to see what he does." she of course obliged and came out two seconds later. the child fell directly asleep and slept for three hours.
i do love these little sleep fairies who stop by my house during the afternoon hours.
they are my new favorite.
well, yesterday i was fed up with his shenanigans and out of the blue just started singing a made up song about thomas the train. {i have a long history of making up songs on the spot. ask my family}
we sat in the glider and he asked for me to sing it over and over and over again until he asked to be put in bed and, while i continued singing, he put his blankie over his eyes, took a deep sigh, and signaled me out with a "nite nite mama. see you later mama".
me and my magical thomas the choo choo song tiptoed out the door.
and yes he asked for the song again today.
and he is asleep.
for those who are curious, the song goes something like this, ahem:
*and repeat*
that was my giveaway for the day.
that song, from me to you, for free.
{and for all you non-mommy's: "sodor" is the land in which thomas and all his cronies dwell}

That video is SOOOO CUTE!!! he is pretty good!!
ReplyDeleteit is so helpful to read what you when Sam starts testing me I will have some ideas on how to handle it!!
That is the BEST video ever! What a big boy. "Almost almost almost!!!" so cute. I might come see him/y'all in a bit...I'm bored
ReplyDeleteI would have to say that I LOVEd going in to B's room and putting him to sleep - you can not forget the fact that when I asked him "Do you think its time for a nap?" He noded yes! He was so tired - and DEFINITELY testing you!
ReplyDeleteWay to go on the song Mistro! :) So great!
cute cute cute!