
question for all you mamas!

at what age did your baby switch from two naps to one?



  1. right about 13 months...i kinda forced the issue because i knew he could do it and i was just dying for the freedom one nap gives!

  2. at around 13 months we started to nap around 1030 or 11. (he still had to catnap around 4 to prevent any crabbiness in the evening). every few weeks i pumped it back as far as he would let me. by 15 months we were going down at 1230 right after lunch like clockwork and now at almost 17 months we can make it to 1 or 130 and he sleeps the rest of the day which is SO nice.

    so i would say just see how long he can stay up in the morning and start from there. push back half an hour to an hour every 2 weeks and i bet you will have an afternoon nap before you know it!

  3. 17 months but I think that was late. My husband got home really late so my twins went to bed really late. I heard after a few weeks the one nap would turn into 3 hours but that never happened. It's about 2 hours which isn't too bad. It is hard transitioning to one nap - good luck!

  4. We didn't start the transition until Mason was about 15 months. I tried to start around 13 months and it wasn't working for us. He would wake up so early and would need his nap by mid morning. Now that we have started just one nap in the early afternoon, he sleeps later in the mornings and it gives me a few extra z's. Honestly, I think you just have to do what is best for you.

  5. My daughter, Hayden, started showing me she was ready to give up her 2nd nap around a year...give or take a little. I kept fighting it, but she wouldn't sleep in the afternoon. So I moved her to just her morning nap, which seemed really odd but it's what worked for her. After a few months I pushed her nap a little later and now she takes 1 nap after lunch for anywhere from 1-3 hours. Good luck!

  6. Yea, around 14 mos or so, liza started refusing her afternoon nap. I thought that was so strange... but that is how she did it. So we started pushing her 10am nap to 11 and then 1130. Then after a few weeks I made it to 12. Liza went down like clockwork at 1200 from about 15 mos til just recently and now she goes down around 1230ish. She can go a little later, but i'm usually ready by then :)

    NOW: the hard part for us was that pushing nap back and only giving her one, did NOT translate to one LONG nap like most kids. She mostly just took one hour naps. I did everything under the sun to try to make that longer, but it didn't matter. Now she sleeps on average 1.5 hours and throws some good 2 hour and VERY rare 3 hour naps when needed. She still wakes up early (BY 7) and goes to bed/sleep around 8 ish. :)

    It's really just trial and error. If you think it's time, give it a try and if it's clear he isn't ready, you can go back to the old routine for a little longer!

  7. We are still making the transition from 2 naps to one (12.5 months). Harrison just flat out refuses to sleep in the afternoons anymore making quite a cranky boy come dinner time. His nap is now from around 12-2:30 and he is doing MUCH better in the evenings!


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