feeling the wind in his hair :)
my walker is now back to taking only a few steps at a time, unless he is tricked and then he can walk all the way down the hall and across the living room. BUT, about a week ago, after his big leap in walking skills, he decided he felt more secure holding on to his shirt/jammies/diaper while walking. this does not result in the best balance, therefore not much long distance walking. silly boy
here are some other things our one year old is doing:
- trying to repeat sounds we make. he still isnt talking per se, stuck on 'mama' and 'dada' and 'NA' and 'tttttttt' or 'zzzzzz'. BUT he did repeat the word "eat" (of course) back at me over and over again yesterday. as in "eeeee-TA". so cute. and he seems to be able to say "no" as in "NA" in response to things. he also repeats "BA" when I ask him to say "ball." we are getting there.
- he had his 12 month appointment, and our beasty baby weighed 24lbs 8ounces (in between 50 and 75%) and was 30.75" (in between 75 and 90%). I was sure he would be off the charts in weight, but this was not so! I just dont see that many babies as, um, big boned as Bennett, but I guess they are out there!!
- Bennett had all his shots as scheduled at his appointment. I dont want to get that far into it, but believe everything was perfectly fine with doing so. I asked about splitting them up, but Merck doesnt even sell the MMR like that anymore. I didn't see the benefit in delaying it. This is such a confusing and scary situation. I think he needs the vaccine ( I am NOT one of those 'do not vaccinate' moms....I am NOT going to have my child susceptible to getting the measles or the mumps) so I got it. AAANNNNNDDDD thats all about that :)
- He is even more attached to me. He cries when we leave him at the church nursery and MDO, which is a completely new experience, but they say he stops right after we leave and returns to his happy playful self. Thank goodness for that.
- He only likes his milk heated. Not 20 or 25 seconds in the microwave, but 30. Seriously. and I didnt learn this by initially giving it to him this way. I learned this bc he will not drink it unless it is like this. Grrrr. I believe children will eat what you serve them, if that is their only option. I dont think they should be filled up on nutrition-low or -less things just because that is what they love to eat. So, I do believe that if he is thirsty enough, he will drink the cold milk as I serve it. Right now, though, I am just worried about him getting enough of the stuff and all the vitamins and everything. Any thoughts out there? Did any of you have this experience? Is whole milk really that important for him right now? I know formula had much more vitamins and minerals, and milk is sort of lacking in that department. Should I just serve it to him cold and if he doesn't drink it, then he doesn't drink it?
- He is still taking two naps a day, except for Sundays and Mondays where he takes one long nap after church and MDO. He is still an excellent sleeper.
- He goes to bed about thirty-forty five minutes earlier than he used to. We feed him dinner around 6pm and he is asleep by 6:45 at the latest. And he still doesnt get up in the morning until after 7:30. NIIIIIIICE
- He loves outside.
- He understands so many things it is kinda scary. He can do all the following on command: open/close the door/drawer, ring the doorbell (on his fisher price house), turn on/off lights, put his mail in the mailbox (on the FP house), push the button (on anything), discern between a star and a circle and a square shape, put shapes/anything in the box/bucket, walk to me/the door/your chair/the sofa/etc, lie down, sit, stand up, (sounds like a dog, right?!), knows where mama's eyes, nose, hair, mouth, teeth and sometimes ears are, knows where his hair is...he kinda lost the other ones he once knew (nose, ear), points to something a little lower than his belly button when asked "where is your belly button?" (i have tried to correct him, but in his mind that thing down there is his belly button. Uh oh), starting to understand "no" is not a game, he knows the names of almost all of his toys and will get them for you if you ask, knows the phrases "want to get in your seat? (carseat)" "want to go for a ride?" "want to go feed steele?" "we need to change your diaper" and take a nap, go to sleep, take a bath, eat, are you hungry, give me ____ please, can I see that please, and he is the peek-a-boo champion. he will crouch behind/hide behind any and everything he can. for as long as you let him.
- whew that was a long one!
- this may sound weird, and pardon the cheese, but he has become like our little buddy now. not just our little baby. he has a mind of his own, he knows what he wants/likes/dislikes and he can communicate that with us. he likes to play with us, and can be silly. he likes to be chased around the room and will start crawling away from you really quickly when you say "im gonna get you!!". when he is crawling into another room that you are in and he sees you, he will crawl really fast with a smile and those sneaky eyebrows of his and then lay his head in your lap or against your legs when he gets there. its precious. he loves his people, and we love him!
yay new post! i was missing hearing about him :( cant wait to see him next weekend
ReplyDeletelove all the details on good ole B! I totally remember the switch from Baby to Buddy :-)
ReplyDeleteJack went through a stage where he would only drink his formula HOT..I'm trying to remember how we got out of that?? Maybe just give it to him slightly less warm for a while and then slightly less than that until it is cold. Heat it for 28 seconds rather than 30 for a few days then down to 26 and so on??? I don't know but I remember it being a pain!
LOVE your cute short hair!!
hey! i love reading your blog!! your sweet Bennett is only a few months older than my Reid so your posts prepare me for what is next!
ReplyDeletei need your help on something though!
i'm looking for b-day outfits for Reid and not sure what size to buy....he's about the size of Bennett...20lbs now at 9.5 months...what size should i order in jon jons/longalls for his birthday party? what size did you get? thanks so much!
any favorite websites for b-day attire?
OH YES! His people DO love him! :-) La
ReplyDeleteLoved the update and pictures! I'm missing him terribly! XOXOXO