
Popsicles and Playdates

Since it is summer, Stephen regularly has about 2-4 popsicles a day. Seriously. The boy is addicted to sugar. He has decided to let Bennett try them when he can, and Bennett of course loves them! The faces he makes, though, are priceless.

On Wednesday I had a couple friends over with their babies who were born around the same time as Bennett. Bennett hasn't been around too many babies his age, except for in the church nursery, so I was curious as to how he would act. It was pretty funny, bc he was super calm and laid back and observant. He just sat there and watched the other babies (Hollin - born beginning of Feb, and Will - born on Bennett's original due date Jan 15th) and then showed them how crazy he can get on his jumper. It was so fun to see Hollin and Will, and of course Ann Lee and Millie (the moms). Hopefully we can keep getting these babies together whenever work allows!
(waiting on permission from the mommies to post the pics)


  1. I love those pics!! the one with his tongue sticking out is priceless!!

  2. did u ever get permission to post pictures of this playdate? would love to see them!


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