

I dont usually count myself as an OCD-er, but I guess everyone has their moments. Erin maybe you can help me out with this one:

Is it bad that I pay close attention to what color hanger I use (blue or white) when I am hanging up Bennett's clothes, so as not to clash?


  1. maybe it runs in the family but i do it too. It even bothers me if the hangers are a different size, and I have very little OCDness about me.


  2. I love it, just like me. I would either have them alternate in the closet, blue white blue white. Or I would have all the whites together, then all the blues. It would be hard to put bennetts clothes in rainbow order, like my closet, though, because all his are blue and white! I love being OCD! Ha ha

  3. I do that same thing with Mason's clothes, actually all of our clothes.

  4. Oh no...We are all from the same set of genes. Aunt E

  5. i am in no way related to you anymore

  6. After you organize B's closet, will you head on over to our house?? My closet really wants a facelift!


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