
Hydronephrosis Update

Yesterday was our big Doctor Day to check up on little B's kidneys. Bennett woke up at 6:30, I fed him, changed him, and got in the car to head to his first appointment at Mobile Infirmary (where he was born) for an ultrasound. (ooo and I grabbed an Egg McMuffin on the way - a little treat I would love to get on my early mornings to Montgomery back in the day)
Bennett did very well at his ultrasound...talking and cooing the whole time. The same nurse who gave him the ultrasound at one day old administered this one as well - and she remembered him! Crazy. I got to see his kidney's and full tummy and full bladder. They also checked his aorta...dont know why, I think its routine.
I then took the print-outs of the Ultrasound across town to Bennett's urologist. We had a little bit of lag time, so I parked the car at the far end of the parking lot and Bennett ate his mid morning snack.
The urologist looked at his ultrasounds and told us that it hadn't gotten any worse, but it hadn't gotten any better either. I was sad bc I just knew it was gone...we had no symptoms of anything - no fever, UTI's, looks of pain or discomfort, etc. Dr Terry said this is typical - you don't have any symptoms with hydronephrosis. Bennett's right kidney is fine - no fluid. His left kidney has a little bit of fluid retention, which looks like just a dark void on the ultrasound. Both of his kidney's are still growing at the correct rate, which is a good thing. So far, Dr Terry doesn't see anything that worries him with this case. It may just be the way Bennett's kidney functions. Or it may not.
If the latter is the case, we will have to do some tests to determine what exactly is causing the fluid retention. It could be reflux from his bladder, or a blockage, or a number of other things. If it is blockage, or a small ureter, he will have to have surgery.
We have another follow up appointment in October, for a repeat of today's appointments. I am just praying by that time this will all be gone away. It's scary to think of all that could be, that Bennett may be experiencing kidney scarring that could lead to kidney failure as an adult, or even at this young of an age. We are glad we caught it early, and it may not be a big deal, but we have to keep checking to make sure.
It's hard to ask for prayers, but I think this is something we could use all your help on. Please pray that this fluid retention decreases, or goes away (!) as Bennett gets older. If this is not the case, I just pray it is nothing serious and that this is just Bennett's make up and just the way his kidney functions.


  1. Prayers ubundant headed Bennet's way. glad to hear the update and hope and pray he will be better or same by october.

  2. Hey Natalie,
    Found your blog through Laura Brantley's. I will definitely say a few prayers for you!! Bennett is adorable! Hope all is well.

    Jessica Wood Garrison

  3. Sweet Bennet is definitely in my prayers. The unknown is so scary, especially when it comes to that little one!

  4. Hey Natalie,
    It was GREAT to hear from you, I was so excited! Bennett is absolutely PRECIOUS, I love him! Listen, Ella has uretal reflux. We caught it when she was almost 3 months old, she was having UTI's-no fever. I had it when I was a baby, so we were looking for it though. We're going at the end of the month for another ultrasound and VCUG at the Children's hospital with her urologist. Please email me if you have questions or just want to talk about it-I won't go into any more details, but I just wanted you to know that it's common and you can count on mine and Matt's prayers for Bennett.

  5. Bennett will be on my prayer list. I believe God is the Great Physician and He can work wonders.

  6. Hey Natalie - I saw your blog through someone else's and I loved reading about you and precious little Bennett. I am pregnant - due on May 9 with a little boy and we are dealing with the same thing. They noticed dilated kidneys in his 20 wk sonogram - so we have been watching this throughout my pregnancy. I can totally relate to your feelings of anxiety and I will definitely remember ya'll in my prayers. Take care!
    Elizabeth Yarbrough Ellis

  7. my prayers are always with the entire Roe family. Extra prayers for Bennett's little kidney's.



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