
The Silver Lining

The only little snip in our otherwise perfect appointment on Wednesday was that our little boy had some fluid in his kidneys (fluid is normal, he had just a wee bit more than average). Dr. Helen said there was nothing be alarmed about, that this is common in boys and it may fix itself by the next day even. However, she did go ahead and order two more ultrasounds before he is born. I am really not worried about it, even though I came home and googled 'fetal hydronephrosis' (which is what he could have if this fluid level was about twice as much as his is now) and of course it listed all these worst case scenarios that could seriously drive a mom-to-be quite batty with nerves. But I know our little one is fine, nothing alarming at the moment, and because of this little cloud of fluid in his kidneys, we get a silver lining of two more ultrasounds before he is born! I do have to say Im quite excited about that! They will be at 28 weeks and 37 weeks (approximately). Please do continue to keep him in your prayers, they are always welcomed! :)

"Every child born into the world is a new thought from God, an ever fresh and radiant possibility" ~ Kate Douglas Wiggin

(Thanks Louise for the sweet little book of quotes - I've already read the whole thing and its precious!!)


  1. We are praying for sweet Baby Boy Roe! Thank you for letting us know specifically how we can pray. I am sure everything will be just fine and I can't wait to see more pics from your next 2 ultrasounds! :)

  2. I'm glad you aren't worrying about his little kidneys...I think that is the only downside of our fancy pants technology these days. :) You would never have even had the info to worry about that years ago. I'm sure he'll be perfect but we'll be praying as well.
    So fun you get more ultrasounds it is amazing to see them grow in there. Soon his little foot will take up the whole picture! We still have all of our sonograms on the fridge!


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