
Book Reviews

Y'all know by now I love a good book.  I was gifted a Kindle last year by my inlaws and it has seriously aided in the quick and easy read of book, after book, after book {ask my husband ;)}.

Being an Amazon Prime member {obsessed}, I get one free book a month from the Kindle reader's lending library.  I definitely take advantage of that.  Here are some books I've read over the past few months:

1. Clan of the Cave Bear {and continuing series} by Jean M Auel - Very interesting.  About a young girl separated from her family during "caveman" times - she is a cro-magnun being raised by neanderthals.  Historical novel that is extremely, almost gratuitously, detailed.  Great story line and interesting character development. The second book in the series, The Valley of Horses was also really interesting and had a great story line.  The Mammoth Hunters was pretty good.  And then, the fourth book lost me.  I don't even know how many books are in the series but it just got too....just too too historical.  Not much action or plot. I am sure the rest of them are interesting but, for me, I just couldn't complete them! Ha! I would definitely recommend the first and second books though.  You could probably end there and get a really good story line from it...I did :)

2.  The Atonement Child by Francine Rivers - I LOVE Francine Rivers {author of Redeeming Love - one of the best books I have ever read}.  Another great book that asks a lot of questions and really dives head first into some seriously controversial topics such as rape and abortion.  As all of Francine Rivers books, this one looks at these topics from a Christian perspective and does an amazing job examining all views, all reasonings, all emotions, and comes back to the Word and how this Great Book applies realistically to our daily lives and these tough issues.

3.  Island of Saints by Andy Andrews - Very good story line by a talented local author that takes place in Orange Beach, AL and Ono Island, AL...two places very near and dear to my heart.  A historical plot and good characters!  Short book and quick read.

4.  I AM LIVIA by Phyllis T Smith - really enjoyed this book.  Also pretty historical but in a really great plot kind of way :).  Love a good book about a strong, educated heroine.  Livia is a young girl whose father is involved in the Julius Caesar murder and all the events that unfold afterwards.  It is a love story, a coming of age story, in an intriguing historical setting.  Definitely recommend.

5.  Me Before You by Jojo Moyes - another mess-with-your-brain book = love those. Good interesting characters, awesome story line, controversial topic, interesting kind of love story.  Very heartbreaking.  Not a feel-good book but still interesting.

6.  The Sisterhood by Helen Bryan - just finished this one.  Cool story about a convent and the secret they held that traveled hundreds of years through generations of incredibly strong and interesting women.  Switches between present day with a young girl who was adopted from an orphanage in Latin America and the story of two convents an ocean away and what connects them.  Scandal and love and detailed character development and amazing historical storyline {....I am sensing a trend on my most recent reads....}.

7.  Surprised by Motherhood by Lisa-Jo Baker - GO.READ.NOW!  If you follow me on Instagram I reviewed it there.  I read it this summer while vacationing with family at the beach and read it in just a few days.  I couldn't put it down.  So amazingly tender and real and emotional and raw.  She so beautifully took so many of my feelings about Motherhood and put them into words.  {except for the fact that she didn't think she wanted to be a mother - I knew from my first cry I think}

8.  The Fault in Our Stars by John Green - another must read.  I bawled like a baby.  About cancer patients - and yes this is the book behind the movie that was released a year or so ago.  I seriously wanted to stay up, drink hot tea, in a tartan blanket, in a library, by a fire, and discuss the meaning of life with whomever would listen when I was done with this book.  This was another beach read this summer.  Amazing.

and last but not least....

9.  Harry Potter Series - these really do not need an introduction or explanation other than you MUST read these books.  I never thought I was "into" that kind of book and it was a "kid" thing but there is a reason why these books were so dramatically successful.  Hands down some of the best books I have ever read.  Easy to read, SMART story lines, addictive really.  I couldn't put them down and cannot WAIT for Bennett to start reading them one day!  I joked with a friend that if I had been reading them when they were coming out I might or might not have been dressed up waiting in line for the newest release.  I knew she was a true friend because she informed me she WAS in line, dressed up in character, for one of the releases.  ;)

And if you wonder when I read - all the time!  After the kids go to bed every night or at least for thirty minutes before bed {and we go to bed pretty early}.  I really am not a big TV person...I have my shows I love but it's not my go-to form of relaxation by any stretch of the imagination.  I prefer the TV in the off position during the day. :) I also read during carpool or whenever I am waiting for something - another reason I love my Kindle.

Happy reading!  I would love to hear any good reads you have had recently.  Always adding to my must-read list.


  1. Try the Andy Andrews book Heart Mender. It is also a great read. A few others are
    Very Valentine by Adirani Trigani
    Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty
    If you have not already read Same Kind of Different as Me or Wonder. Both are fantastic books. Wonder is more for young people but it has the most wonderful meaasage and you will want to share it with Bennett.
    Love my books also...

  2. Besides The Baby Sleep Solution :) here are some that I have read more recently:
    A Life Intercepted, Charles Martin
    Far Outside the Ordinary, Prissy Elrod
    What Alice Forgot, Liane Moriaty
    If you liked Me Before You, read, One Plus One, so good
    Keep Recs coming, I am also a book nerd!!!


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