

christmas vacation or one month of jacob preston

there is so much to say and no real time to say it :)
one day i just know i will figure out how to do this blogging thing again, not bc its all that important in comparison to other daily duties, BUT because i do really love it and bc, when done regularly i.e. NOT how its been done recently, it provides stress relief and outlet of quasi-creativity.

so, here is a recap of our past month, many pictures and few words:
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Rachey and j
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wearing the dress i wore on MY first christmas...or maybe my second...anyway: 
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after christmas eve at my parents house, then christmas morning and christmas day at our house with stephens family, we journeyed to the "camp" for new years.  we were there for five fabulous days.  five days of no mirrors or makeup {literally...i did not look in a mirror until i got in the car to go home}.
i am planning on devoting a completely separate post on the camp...posted about HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE.  the job is complete and we are now just filling in the gaps with lamps, furniture, and...yea...bathroom mirrors :)

stephen and i have already discussed moving up there permanently and him just buying a smart car for the commute.  ;) seriously it is extremely hard to leave this place. 

somebody turned FOUR while we were there:
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Bad boy ridin
Emory drives bad boy
J sleeps
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this is what happens when i try to take "newborn pictures." 
as in it does NOT happen.  all three of my children just choose to cry instead of squish into anne geddes positions and peacefully doze.
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baby wearing:

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i heart self timers, as they provide the only pictures of me and my babies:
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like i said, no mirrors and no makeup...forgive me:
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new years eve bonfire {we went to sleep before 10pm}:

happy one month littlest 
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you, too, deserve a post all of your own.
it is coming, i promise :)

hopefully see you sooner than later!


  1. LOVE the pics... MY fav is the christmas play one! cant believe your first baby is now FOUR!!!

  2. Jacob is so precious and he seems to have his own unique look! Of course I have been fans of your older two forever! Beautiful family - and you look pretty without make-up!

  3. I love the pics..that newborn is precious..they ALL are..and YOU look great! Can't believe Bennett is four!!

  4. J'roe is amazingly precious. Crying babies in Christmas jammies pic is my fave!!!

  5. Love this post.

    Love all 3 babies.

    You look great! AND I love the round black table (yours or your moms?) I'm painting my grandma's round table--and I'm think black and I love those chairs paired with it!

  6. Love those babies! You captured some great shots, Nat!
    Yeah, I'm hoping the next post is sooner than later :)
    Love yall!

  7. So glad to see this post! Love the pics...they capture it all! Precious family! :-) Love ya'll, La

  8. 1. this post makes me heart ache so much. i am missing my babies terribly.
    2. the picture of all 3 in their christmas jammies is HIGHLARIOUS.
    3. love the christmas day table setting and you new beautiful table.
    4. hollis and i cant wait to make a trip home just to go to the camp. we will plan a time that we can ALL be up there.
    5. i think emory has better fashion sense than any baby girl. she is so cute in her leggings and boots.
    6. i think there is a picture of B when he was little very similar to the one of Em standing up on the bad boy buggy?
    7. you look ravishing without makeup on
    8. jacob is so smushy and cute in the picture of him on the dining room table...and i want to nibble on his little button nose
    9. love the bathtub pic of emory and bennett. they are bff
    10. bennett is so handsome!!! love my little man

  9. Maybe it's my pregnancy hormones...or maybe it's because this post was so incredibly amazing, but I am in tears! Your pictures say a MILLION words. Your family looks like you all have so much JOY in your hearts. I love the picture with the 3 siblings all dressed alike, and only Bennett has a big old smile! That is amazing. My daughter will have a sibling this summer and I am so incredibly excited! You are supermom. xo

  10. i LOVED all these pics!!!! my fave may have been the christmas jammies 3 since it looks so "real lifey" haha.... cant believe J is already 1 month! he is so handsome already. love those babies

  11. GORGEOUS babies!!!! all 3 of them ;)
    And, i agree with Rachel on her #7!!

  12. I love these pictures. Love the strawberry banana candy cane ,genius. Also please send me that baby, you already have two you can share for a bit, I'll send him back at age 2.

  13. LOVE the pics AND your precious kiddos!!!
